One of Hitch's Worst.

What a piece of junk!

DAMM: Drunks Against Mad Mothers


I thought it was fine but it disapointed me after watching Marnie.

Everyone says how hitchcock films never date and he is the master of suspense but this looked like an old Rom Com with no big deal of acting especially by the overrated Cary Grant.

I expected something more interesting after being so impressed by Marnie, inreally wanted to love this
Marnie had great acting and Sean Expressions were a real treat to watch while Cary Grant in this one( To catch a theif) was really dull, he was just like George Lazenby with a bigger name.

Marnie kept me on the edge of my seat and wow that ending left me speechless, the twist in to catch a theif its good but it doesn't leave you that impressed like Marnie.

The scene on top of the roof paled in comparison to the whole last scene Marnie's Mother home Even Tippi Hadren was a model did a better job than Grace Kelly who was an oscar winning actress.

Cary Grant was just so all in the same tone trying to be cool when Sean Connery mastered role as Mark Ruthland. Cary and Grace never matched a scene like horrifying honeymoon scene in Marnie


Yours is an interesting perspective, and one I don't recall encountering before.

In spite of the "master of suspense" label, Hitchcock's films in their totality encompass quite a range of tones; To Catch A Thief is certainly one of his lightest, even revisiting as it does an often-explored theme (the wrongly accused man trying to clear his name), and its elegant and largely "just for fun" breeziness scores low on a scale of suspenseful set pieces that are so much a part of his reputation.

Marnie, on the other hand, is certainly among his darkest, perhaps too much so for many even among his devotees. The scale on which it scores low is that of sly humor, as much a part of Hitchcock's repertoire as those suspenseful set pieces (which in this case are exclusively on a smaller, more intimate and human, less sensational level than some more celebrated ones).

Others of Marnie's aspects that viewers may have found less than compelling were those delving into psychosexual neuroses, coupled with those of sexual blackmail and enslavement.

We all have our subjective reactions to various actors, characters, dramatic situations and so forth, and they are what they are. If yours to Cary Grant is on the negative side, this suggestion may not appeal to you, but there's another Hitchcock film that I place very highly among his best that explores themes nearly as dark as those of Marnie: Notorious, in which a government agent (Grant) must, out of a sense of duty, fight both his growing feelings for a woman (Ingrid Bergman) recruited for a dangerous mission and his discomfort over that mission's requirement that she seduce an enemy operative (Claude Rains).

If you haven't seen it - and Grant doesn't spoil it for you - you may find it worth your while. For my money, it's one of Hitchcock's richest and most interesting.

Poe! You are...avenged!


Maybe ill try Notorious and give Grant another chance, looks like an interesting film.

Thanks for telling me more about Hitchcock and how his films have so much variety maybe just from Hitch i will prefer his darker films, he does have style but to Catch a theif felt very old while Marnie still looked pretty modern more than anything in language and acting style.

I love stylish light hearted films like The Thomas Crown Affair( 90s version), the four films with with Pierce as Bond and from Connery himself Thunderball, Goldfinger, Dr No and From Russia with love.

I found Marnie to be a Masterpiece and made want to explore much more of Hitchcock but To Catch a theif stopped my enthusiasm and left me undecided if I should continue and maybe look for the more into the tone of Marnie or just stop.

Anyway sorry to anwer so late.

About Marnie i know its one of his most hatted but i felt while being so dark still very interesting, you really want to see of Mark can cure Marnie and how everything will end between them, i also liked the idea of character not so good but no so bad either.
Ruthland was frustrated at honeymoon incident but lattre saved Marnie from a sucide.

I really liked Connery in it, Hitchcock went for Bond unleashed hhee and that was great to see and Tippi did a great Job as Marnie sometimes being a Femme Fatale to latter be a victim and make her much more sympathetic and likable.

Its film which explores much more, a more character study film, its very similar to what Adrian Lyne does but less explicit.

Its wierd I didn't like To Catch a theif that much since i like said i do love stylish breezy films but i felt Cary Grant and Grace Kelly very dated.



why does this movie seem to be placed in a lower tier than his classics? i find it to be one of his more grand, lavish pieces that wouldn't come from another director. maybe because there's no horror?


Jusf watched it again last night and it's quite good. Not up there with my top Hitchcock like Read Window, Birds, Psycho, and Dial M for Murder, but it's quite far from the bottom of the barrel. I think it gets a bad rap because it's "lighter" than your typical Hitchcock - no murder and not a terrible amount of serious suspense but what it lacks in those categories it makes up for in snappy dialogue and cinematography. It's really a gorgeous film.

Screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place.


Sure, it's grand and lavish, but not particularly amusing, exciting, or engaging.

I mean it's an enjoyable film, fluff but good sexy fluff, it just lacks that extra touch of excitement, humor, or mystery that might have made it great rather than good.


what a civilized board that someone can start a topic like this without causing a riot. well i come here bringing the same experience, this is my pick then as least favorite hitchcock flick... of what i can remember i've loved all hitchcock's movies, they are so unique, but here... nothing happens... from what i've gathered this hitchcock movie never gets mentioned, and being a fan of his movies it is extraordinary i had missed this 1950's piece. the dialogue is very daring, and it's funny how often 1950's hitchcock movies are in such stark colour thinking about how in 1960 psycho was shot in black and white, there seem to appear to be some dubbing in this, the chef first looks intimidating then next instant clownish as grant throws him a catch, some physical comedy from grant, how tanned is he anyway. notice at the start of the movie the lady screams as if she discovered a dead body the way she reacts to her jewellery being lost, it feels pretty rare to see a hitchcock movie not involving a murder, and taking place in france. the leading lady was rude most of the movie.


youre like magic,
in wild spell i cant break it,
as i try to run,
you freeze my bones numb,
just to heat me up with smooth love,
and i dont know whats goin on,
like a witch trapped me and i cant go.


I enjoy this movie, but it does put me to sleep.


pretty sure everyone watched it cause of Grace Kelly


I saw it again last night, after a gap of many years.

IMHO this movie was made for one reason and one reason only - to express Hitch's deep and lustful feeling towards Grace Kellly!

The film is all about her, and Hitchcock's hard-on for her. Cary Grant may be on screen, but once Kelly comes into a scene, the camera focuses her and forgets all about him.


One of Hitch's best. What a fun movie!


it has its moments but it's not top tier. It's aight.
