MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Were there any episodes...

Were there any episodes...

that didn't have plot holes?


You have a strange obsession indeed...


I just saw "The Hunt". SPOILERS AHEAD.

A guy and his dog die, the guy doesn't realize they're dead, as ghosts they wander past the dog's and the guy's funerals, and finally reach Hell, then Heaven. Pure fantasy, but I didn't notice any "plot holes".


Not a plot hole but the idea of the Satan character looking like an ordinary Joe who *would* have gotten Hyder Simpson to walk into hell for an eternity of damnation is sloppy IMO. If not for faithful Rip, old man Simpson be stoking the big furnace.

Even the angel guy at heaven's gate was annoyed to learn that Hyder was fooled even if Rip wasn't, but if not for a faithful dog, Hyder Simpson and anyone else for that matter might walk right into hell and an undeserved fate. The angel explained "You see, Mr. Simpson, a man, well, he'll walk right into Hell with both eyes open. But even the Devil can't fool a dog!" That's great, but what about anyone else walking along eternity road who didn't have the fortune of having his faithful dog die with him at the same instant? And Rachel was due to cross over soon - would she be fooled as old man Simpson was?


I believe they said no, because she was more pious.


Maybe the fault lies in your inability to think of answers to things you see as plot holes.

Hit us up with some examples and we'll see if we can help you out.
