Team Blue or Team Pink?

I think we all know to what I refer. I remember being very passionately a blue dress fan as a child. I realize in the pantheon of Disney princesses, Cinderella's got the blue angle, I just think I'm siding with Merryweather on this one. In truth, I preferred her in her dress as Briar Rose anyway. Disney wiki says neither blue nor pink is official yet, but what say you?

"Do you think the world is crawling with Phyllises?"


Definitely the blue dress. I do love her peasant look but since she spends most of the movie in the blue dress, I always preferred it. Not to mention, it looks better with her violet eyes. I always hated the pink dress. Once I got older and discovered one of the reasons is because Cinderella gets blue because she's more iconic, it blew my mind because her dress is silver/white. It only looked blue in the film when she was in shadow. So either way, I prefer the blue on Aurora.

*watching it on tv now* I just realized that Flora instigates with Merryweather about the color on purpose! When she told them to "Turn around" when discovering who the peasant women were, she turned their fairy clothes into peasant clothes. WHY did she have to make Merryweather's clothes pink but made Fauna's green?? lol it was spiteful!!


Blue. Because Merriweather rocks. Put Cinderella back into her silver dress!


Blue is my favorite color. However, I think a nice lavender, or purple would have been stunning on Aurora. A combo between the two. No one loses or win with that color.


While I think blue is more appropriate for Sleeping Beauty because it is a more "sleepy" color, when I think Aurora I think pink. My daughter has several Sleeping Beauty items like toys, books, undies, etc. and they all portray Aurora in the pink dress.
So I guess I have to go with team pink since I'm more familiar with it.



No, #TeamGREEN 😉 I'm just kidding, but I *do* have a headcanon that Fauna and Aurora would laugh at Flora and Merryweather whenever they fought, and that Fauna was in fact her favorite "aunt" 😊

Anyway, I think she looks lovely in both, but I do prefer the blue version. I hope to Cosplay as her one day, and I definitely intend to "make it blue" 💙


Cinderella's got the blue angle
No, she doesn't. Her ball gown was always silvery white. I feel like a broken record saying this over and over again.

Anyways, I preferred Aurora's dress when it's blue. That shade of royal blue it's in is so stunningly gorgeous. I do love it in pink as well, though.


I liked the blue dress better. I was a bit narked that it was finally pink before that book closed at the end.



I like the blue version better.

Imagine the spindle scene with a pink dress. It wouldn't look as nice though.....


What's up with everybody calling Flora bossy?! I felt Merryweather was the bossy one because the three of them divided the duties beforehand as they did (Fauna was baking, Merryweather cleaning and Flora making the dress) and it was so rude of Merryweather to just magically transform the dress with a "Make it blue!" spell instead of saying to Flora "Hey I think blue would look better" to discuss it (or better yet, discussing the colour the dress was going to be before Flora started creating it).

Anyway, even though I'm team Flora, I'm also Team Blue purely because I think it's a more beautiful match with Aurora's eye and hair colour.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us
