MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > Mitchum just OOZES sexuality in this,doe...

Mitchum just OOZES sexuality in this,doesnt he?

My oh my!I may be going straight to hell after saying this,but am I the only one who was rather turned on by his character?Hes a sick perverted rapist beast,and his actions are despicable,and I tremble when hes on screen,but its NOT just from fear,if you know what I mean.Most specially the scene with Sams wife in the kitchen.Hes bare-cheasted,dripping wet and facing his enemys wife for the first time,only inches away from her.Then he starts to speak to her in a very soft,almost tender voice,then BAM,snaps that egg in half and very very gently starts smearing the egg on her chest,while he continues to threathen her in that soft,soft voice.I just loose it.Its both scary and sexy in equal measure.The scene is a monument to sexual tension in films,and should be studied by anyone trying to achieve it.


Ma'am, you are a harlot with impure thoughts.

I`m sorry for my lack of manners, but I`m not used to escorting men.


Robert Mitchum was the epitome of charismatic sexual deviancy in this role. Like serial killer Ted Bundy, he was handsome and yet incredibly deadly.

"She's gettin' to be almost as juicy as your wife, ain't she?"


Menace yes. Sexy? Well, reading the comments I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many women (and some men?) find this repulsive hulk sexy? I guess you're Mitchum's_bitch now.


I love Mitchum, but he wasn't going for sexy in this one -- he was going for creepy violent. And I think he nailed it.

To me, sexual tension has to go both ways. That may be just me. Rape is an act of violence, not hyper-sexiness, and rape is what he was threatening her with.


Robert Mitchum and Ralph Fiennes are two actors that I’ve always found smarmy and not attractive, in contrast with a lot of other women. I’ve also never seen Ted Bundy as particularly handsome like another poster mentioned in this thread.
