de niro vs. mitchum

Why I liked the original better: Robert de Niro ACTED scary, Robert Mitchum WAS scary. Makes all the difference in the world.


I liked Robert Mitchum better also, i agree he was naturally scary, Robert De Niro was trying too hard to be scary. Robert Mitchum had a menacing way about him that was really terrifying.



De niro has Cady seriously overacted, talking way to much, Mitchum has Cady didn't half to say as much to get his point across, he could smile and still believe to be as scary.


I have to agree that De Niro overacted a little bit. Had he been a little more subdued it would have brought out the fear factor that Cady represents. I think Michael Rooker would have been interesting as Cady, but I think maybe Viggo Morstensen would have been interesting but he was not well known back then.

Going blind from CGI


Exactly. DeNiro's Cady, to me, seemed like a blatant stereotype/parody of a con who could easily be spotted with all the tattoos, Bible, hard body, and long hair.

Whereas, Mitchum's Cady maintained a normal appearance, could blend in while lying in wait out in the open which was more of a threat and certainly more frightening.

Heaven forbid I have an opinion.


De Niro makes too much of a spectacle of himself. Mitchum's menacing in more subtle & organic ways that somehow crawl right under yer skin. He's one frightening f-ck, just oozing depravity and amorality. Pretty easy win for Mitchum there.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


De Niro is my favorite actor, but Mitchum hit this one out of the park.

Come at the king, you best not miss.


While Mitchum pulled off the role well, and gave off a really creepy perv vibe, I think that De Niro was better. He generally terrified me.


Both great but Deniro gets my vote. There was just something about him in this movie and he's played bad guys before but this was his creepiest performance.


Competition isn't necessary- they're both great- each in his own way- period.


I thought mitchum was not very threatening at all. Unlike de niro in the same role.
