MovieChat Forums > Tom Jones (1963) Discussion > This has got to be the worst movie ever ...

This has got to be the worst movie ever to win an oscar!

This has got to be the worst movie ever to win an oscar! What was the academy thinking??!


I thot it was rilly rilly good. I rilly rilly did. I love albert finney. I rilly rilly do.

Here's looking at you, kid.



It's called humor, Fred. Get a clue.

Here's looking at you, kid.


I agree about Million Dollar Baby, truly dreadful, and the fact that it won was an insult to cinematic taste in deeper films.


I couldn't disagree with you more. One of the best comedy/dramas of the past century. Totally disarming -- and charming!


No, I wasn't saying that about Tom Jones, I was talking about Million Dollar Baby from an earlier post. That was an absolute nightmare of a film. Tom Jones I did enjoy.


Ooops! Sorry.


All you morons who think Million Dollar Baby was no good understand nothing. It perhaps wasn't quite as good as Unforgiven, but don't you think the Academy, for its many faults, might see a little more than you idiots? It embraces many things and has a lot to say, for instance the uselessness of the Christian god when it truly counts and issues around risk and redemption. Essays could be written, and have been, but you swill don't deserve them.


Whew! . . . I guess you told THEM! Well . . . I haven't seen "Million Dollar Baby" so maybe I should just butt out -- but, I'm confused: In your first post, you suggest the Academy "might see a lot more than you idiots" (the "Academy" liked it -- the "idiots" didn't). However, in your second post you imply the Academy operates in an atmosphere of fear, avarice, bad judgement, etc. ("Citizen Kane" - 1941). Ahhh, isn't that a contradiction? Or, am I just a "moron" in the "swill", as well?


True Fiendish actually didn't make any sense at all in that post. Million Dollar Baby was as deep as a tide pool. And I am sorry but the Academy has been wrong sooooo many times, I realy don't rely on them for showing me, a "film idiot" as you said, what is a deep and meaning film. MDB had been done before in numerous levels, there was nothing dynamic or special about any of it and the writing was dull.


All you morons who think Million Dollar Baby was no good understand nothing.
Quite a note to start on, isn't it?
It perhaps wasn't quite as good as Unforgiven
On this much, at least, we agree; Unforgiven was an excellent film.
don't you think the Academy, for its many faults, might see a little more than you idiots?
No. No, I don't. For all the evidence I need, let me point out the winner for "Best Original Song" for 1988: "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now", from the truly putrid Mannequin, which is notorious in my family for being the only film my Uncle Robbie has ever walked out on. And that song! OH MY GOD!!! It should be used in hospitals to induce vomiting!!! That idiotic decision alone is evidence enough for me that I need not pay the slightest attention to any sound the Academy makes. I never watch those stupid awards shows anyway; long, tedious, sentimental horses__t designed to advertise inferior product.

More evidence, if any were needed, that the so-called "Academy" is a beacon of unbelievably poor taste (if the above example were for some reason not enough for you): past Best Picture Winners: Forrest Gump, Titanic, Ordinary People... should I go on? Not that I think these films aren't passable entertainment in some cases, but they aren't the best of anything.
It embraces many things and has a lot to say
Wow. You and I are not on the same page here; to me the Academy epitomizes everything that's wrong with what Americans think constitutes a good movie... and I say this as an American myself! In America, it seems the safer, duller, and more sentimental it is, the more nauseatingly schmaltzy and two-dimensional it is, the more likely it is to win an Oscar. It's sad to me.
for instance the uselessness of the Christian god when it truly counts and issues around risk and redemption.
Okay... what? How is this relevant to the subject?
Essays could be written, and have been, but you swill don't deserve them.
It's funny. I find the idea of some irritating film intellectual telling me "how it is" in some pompous essay more insulting than you calling me "swill". As far as I'm concerned, stick to your essays; you deserve them, to be sure. The rest of us will make up our own minds what constitutes a great movie, and those of us with taste will see that Titanic and the like are effectively worthless films.

Tom Jones is a great movie too, by the way.

I don't want some renegade necrophile princess as MY roommate!


"All you morons who think Million Dollar Baby was no good understand nothing. It perhaps wasn't quite as good as Unforgiven, but don't you think the Academy, for its many faults, might see a little more than you idiots? It embraces many things and has a lot to say, for instance the uselessness of the Christian god when it truly counts and issues around risk and redemption. Essays could be written, and have been, but you swill don't deserve them."

'Million Dollar Baby' reeked, and you're a pretentious twit who fancies himself quite clever, but in truth would be outgunned in a battle of wits with a houseplant.


This is the motive that I apreciate The Golden Globes because there are 2 kind of movies that win: those for drama and those for comedy/musical. ( PS: Titanic is not better than L.A. Confidential)


Indeed, I must say it was one of the worst YEARS for American Film... don't go blaming poor Tom Jones, though! Blame Laurence of Arabia and The Manchurian Candidate, for making such an unbeatable 1962! okay so that doesn't have much to do with it, but really, '63 flopped comparatively.


TOM JONES is an extraordinary adaptation of one of the first major English novels. It presents the bawdiness of the 18th century very well. The cast is remarkable. All production values -- art direction, costumes, John Addison's wonderful music -- are superb. One of the great shames in Oscar history is that Sidney Poitier (although very good) won the Best Actor Oscar over Albert Finney that year. If you want to find a year when a British film won the Best Picture Oscar undeservedly, check out the year CHARIOTS OF FIRE (albeit an ok film) won over Warren Beatty's magnificent epic love story, REDS. Now that was a shame.


I couldn't disagree more...for me it's nothing more than a vulgar, bawdy Carry-on romp. The Best Film oscar that year should ideally have gone to Losey's magnificent The Servant.



I agree with Swithin. And, you are correct, Tom Jones IS "bawdy" (so was the novel). That's part of its charm, but "vulgar"(?) -- no. That's part of its artistry. Though the "Carry on ..." films are fun, to equate "Tom Jones" with these clever little "keyhole peekers" is like equating "Lawrence of Arabia" with "Ishtar".

"The Servant" is wonderful. But . . . when all is said and done, who, beside producers and recipients, really gives a damn about the Oscars?


Wow! I'm impressed. Someone's comparing Kenneth Williams to Albert Finney! Har!


Okay, I'm totally with you there - in fact, I wouldn't complain if AFI had a "Worst Best Pictures List" with Chariots of Fire on top. Nothing about that film shouted Oscar to me. Then again, it was the 80's :-)


Exactly! True on all accounts.

Thank you for bringing intelligence to this thread.


"A Beautiful Mind" or "Forrest Gump" are so much worse...


Really? I thought it was one of the better choices for Best Picture--and certainly one of the most daring and creative. "Tom Jones" is a brilliant film, and one of the great movies to test the boundaries of cinema.


Am watching it now (again) and agree that it was far ahead of its time as far as a respectful but bawdy treatment of its fusty source. The cream of British film is on board, and damn if Albert Finney isn't dead sexy.

Worst? Hell no. 'A Beautiful Mind,' 'Cavalcade,' 'Forrest Mother-Loving Gump?'

Come on.


Ok, stupid question but why are films from England NOT in the Best FOREIGN Film competition? They're not American so why are they lumped in with our films? Just because they speak English? blah! That way "Hud" could've gotten "Tom Jones"'s space and won, 8 1/2 beats out "Tom Jones" and we all could've been spared this debate.

Philip: Shut your foul mouth, you ten-titted bitch from Hades!



Well, it's supposedly a comedy, and humor is a very personal thing. So I'll just say that I didn't find it funny in the least. If I smiled once or twice it was at a scrap of witty narration (doubtless left over from the novel, which I have not read) and not at the mugging, pratfalls, jerky sped-up sequences, asides to the camera, or "bawdy" situations.

On the whole it was nice to look at. But in that respect it compares unfavorably to Barry Lyndon.

I don't pay much attention to what the Academy does. Their values are not mine.

Any time of day is a good time for pie!



American twit.

It is a shame you colonials never really got the sophistication bit from your European betters (only joking)

As to US films most are trash (surely that is not a statement that can be disputed simply as statistically you produce so many) but there are some of the great great gems also BUT which the trash academy never rate...odd explain that to me....


Does anyone honestly consider the Academy good judges of cinema? Citizen Kane: 0 oscars. 1994, the year that Pulp Fiction and Forest Gump are released, Gump takes best picture (all of you must know that while Gump is a great movie, Pulp Fiction was the best picture of 94), Samuel L Jackson nominated for Best Supporting actor while Travolta gets a best leading actor nod (because Samuel L is a black man), 1993, Marissa Tomei wins best supporting actress, I can go on and on. The English Patient? Crash? I bet John Williams didn't even win for the Indiana Jones score which is one of the best scores ever. *beep* the academy.



