MovieChat Forums > Tom Jones (1963) Discussion > This has got to be the worst movie ever ...

This has got to be the worst movie ever to win an oscar!

This has got to be the worst movie ever to win an oscar! What was the academy thinking??!


I can't believe no one even mentioned Gladiator. That movie's plot and writing were so awful that I physically cringed during much of the dialogue. In fact, I found it so dull that I fell asleep during it, at the movie theater... then went to see it again with a different friend, and fell asleep AGAIN during a different part. But see, that's the difference between the Academy and me (and many other people). I for one put the screenplay and direction as higher priorities in my judgements of movies than I do costumes, special effects, etc. The Academy tends to like (and yes, I realize there are exceptions) big productions that look really good. In fact, describes Gladiator thus: "a rousing and visually exciting update of a genre once thought dead, and was the kind of epic spectacle that is tailor made for the Academy's tastes." There you go. Tailor made for the Academy, but not for me.

My point is that just because I don't like a film doesn't mean the Academy can't do whatever the hell it wants based on their own criteria... some people forget that. And as someone else above pointed out, who really cares who wins the Oscar anyway? Good movies are good movies.

That said, I did enjoy Tom Jones. I liked its unstuffy portrayal of the time period and its unconventional hero.


thank you. i have a hard time convincing friends what a P.O.S. Gladiator was. just terrible. but while i can get most to agree that Crash, Titanic, and A Beautiful Mind were just AWFUL choices, most people i talk to stop just short of lumping Gladiator in with the rest.

did mystic river win, too? i can't remember. that movie sucked too.

i hate the oscars. and i ENJOY hating them. i'll almost be disappointed if they start giving out awards to movies that actually deserve them.


Not American are you??

Well if we are talking really poor movies that have won Oscars give me one from America that is ANY good please.
As for Tom Jones it is something of a masterpiece both in terms of plot and acting prowess...something the US actors struggle to get too...not that they are unable to act but the scripts they have to deal with are just...well plain poor. When you see Kirk Douglas in Paths of Glory you see a really great actor but when you see hin in the Vikings you immediately down rate him to the ham category. Sorry was it Forest Gump American Beauty and Saving Private thing (God knows why they bothered frankly) that won O's recently and yet you still call TJ as you do....PLEASE


Probably the worst Best Picture has to be Ordinary People, only because it was an ordinary lifetime drama and to top it all off it beat the best movie of the 80's Raging Bull.


I posted this on the other thread regarding poor Oscar choices. I think it fits here too. "Ordinary People" was not a bad movie; I think it was actually quite well done and provocative. It may not have deserved the best picture award, and beating out "Raging Bull" was an injustice, but that does not make it "the worst picture to win the award". That title goes to truly dreadful movies that deserved to be on anyone's worst 10 list, not best 10, movies such as "American Beauty" and "Titanic" that were badly written and badly conceived. Here is the other post.

"You need to distinguish between saying you do not like a movie and asserting it is a bad movie. Tom Jones is most certainly not a bad movie; on the contrary, it is an innovative movie with exceptional acting and great wit.

There have been some terrible choices for the Oscar. Recently, American Beauty, which apparently was created after a survey of what attitudes people would enjoy seeing displayed rather than with any integrity of purpose, qualifies as a truly dreadful choice. Similarly, Titanic, composed of shallow cliches and idiotic dialogue, is another awful selection. It's not a matter in these cases of liking or not liking the movies; they are simply poorly written, although they may have some technical qualities to admire.

In earlier years, the stilted language and characters of Ben Hur seemed to impress the serious minded phonies of the day. One of the worst movies ever to garner an Oscar.

To give an example of the difference between disliking a movie and considering it a bad movie, I offer Gone With the Wind. I do not like the movie, and I think DeHavilland and Howard are terrible in their roles-or perhaps simply that their characters are terribly irritating. But I have to admit that the movie has merits that lift it above the average despite some scenes that simply pad the film. Leigh and Gable are fine and there are elements of the story and the filming of it that are extraordinary."


Good Heavens this posting has grown quite long. I must say, addressing the original premise, this film is one of the best films of all time. It is a marvelous film on a number of levels. First, it brings the literature of Henry Fielding to the screen. It introduces us to the great tongue in cheek literature of Fielding which introduces us to British manners in a more believable fashion than expressed in other British literature of the time. The color, the ribaldry, the hunt, the women, the pompous Mr Blifil, Squire Alsworthy, the rascally but good natured Tom and Ms Sophie Weston are all characters indelibly marked in my memory by this glorius film. It just goes to show you that it takes all kinds. I heartily back the academy on this one!!




You've displayed an English ego big enough to cover the entirety of Europe and the rest of the Eastern hemisphere. Leave it to a jackass like you to turn an innocuous complaint about a movie into a U.S. vs America battle, just because said movie happened to derive from your country. There was nothing in the post to suggest any kind of underlying attack on the British film industry. Fortunately, I won't assume that every citizen of your nation has a similarly paranoid chip on their shoulder.

Well if we are talking really poor movies that have won Oscars give me one from America that is ANY good please.

I could be mistaken seeing as this sentence is constructed in an only barely coherent manner, but if you're in fact, asking for examples of Oscar-winning American films that were "any good", just about anyone with any sense would agree that there are plenty.


No, I am not American.


What ??? Every man has his own opinion but this is a superb film as the review said.The camerawork, the acting, the comedy, the pacing are all excellent.A most enjoyable film.


Probably that, given the production standards in 1963, the faithfulness to the original book by Fielding, the quality of performances by Finney and the ensemble cast, the costumes which were more authentic and representative of that period more than any film up to that point, the period-appropriate score and general, enjoyable playfulness of it, that it was the best effort of that particular year.

I'm guessing.



hahahaha. That's another one that I'll add to my academy brilliance list.


No, the worst movie ever to win an Oscar is,and will be for many years to come most likely, Forest Gump



oooh. i forgot about shakespeare in love. that really was a turd.


I agree with the original poster. I just watched this movie this weekend because it was on my list of Oscar-winning movies. After watching it I thought "Why?".

"I am not trying to seduce you. Would you like me to seduce you?"
