MovieChat Forums > Barefoot in the Park (1967) Discussion > Who would you cast in a remake?

Who would you cast in a remake?

After reading the 4 pages of comments, there were a few that mentioned an HBO version, there should be a remake, and that Sean Connery should play the Victor Velasco role. Below is the original cast. Who would you cast?

Robert Redford .... Paul Bratter
Jane Fonda .... Corie Bratter
Charles Boyer .... Victor Velasco
Mildred Natwick .... Mrs. Ethel Banks, Corie's mother
Herb Edelman .... Harry Pepper, Telephone man
Mabel Albertson .... Aunt Harriet
Fritz Feld .... Restaurant Owner
James Stone .... Delivery Man
Ted Hartley .... Frank
Paul E. Burns .... Bum in Park
rest of cast listed alphabetically
Billie Bird .... Drunken neighbor (uncredited)
Doris Roberts .... Hotel Maid (uncredited)


If Hollywood pulls it usual bonehead casting, you just know know Paul will be played by Jim Carrey!


Heath Ledger - Paul
Kate Hudson - Corie
Jane Fonda/Elizabeth Ashley (Corie on B'way) - Mrs. Banks
Antonio Banderas (looking sufficiently creepy these days) - Victor Velasco

Redford should direct and cast himself in one or more of the smaller roles ala' Hitchcock or Peter Sellers (i.e. Telephone Man, the Bum in the Park.)

Hollywood would probably but some idiot like Will Farrell (ick) in the Paul role.

Other choices for Mom:
Shirley MacLaine
Suzanne Pleshette
Goldie Hawn (obvious)

Doris Roberts should come back as the Hotel Maid. Still working at the same hotel for 40 yrs! Hilarious!


Christopher Walken as Victor Velasco!!!!!


Paul - Colin Farrell or Heath Ledger. Tom Welling would be OK too, but... too young? Too handsome? I dunno, I just can't picture him as a grumpy lawyer.

Corie - Liv Tyler or Kirsten Dunst - they both have that "fun" energy

Ethel - Julie Andrews or Meryl Streep would both be hilarious

Victor Velasco - LOL, Antonio Banderas would be perfect! He has that slight accent, they could make Victor Spanish in the remake if they wanted...

Harry Pepper - What about Danny deVito? The NY accent would fit well...

"I drank what?!?"



Lol, Heath Ledger.


guys! remember that Paul and Corie are supposed to be in their early twenties! Everyone's naming people in their late thirties to play them!!


Heath Ledger and Kate Hudson are both 27! That's OK some people are not good at math.


"Rachel Mcadams" in the 'Cory Bratter' role and "Luke Wilson" in the 'Paul Bratter' role,case closed.


I agree!!! I was just going to suggest that so....

Rachel McAdams
Luke Wilson
and Jean Smart (the First Lady on 24) as the MOM!!!


i love it. done and done.


Paul Bratter - Ryan Reynolds (could pull of the uptightness of Paul's character)

Corie Bratter - Rachel McAdams (I wanna see her play someone with Corie's insecurities...her roles always seem so confident)

Victor Velasco - Robin Williams (I think he could fit the eccentricities of the character)

Corie's Mother - Better Midler (bar-none)

Delivery Man - Cedric The Entertainer (just fits the role of being outta breath, lol)

Someone a few lines up said that Corie and Paul are in their early twenties...Fonda and Redford were both thirty, as Reynolds and McAdams will be this year. Plus, remember, this is just a hypothetical situation for fun :-p

-Your mother should be beaten with an oar.


Brad Pitt would be a good Paul Bratter

Sean Connery...Victor Velasco

not sure about Corey or Cory's Mother---
maybe Debbie Reynolds or Betty White--(from Golden Girls)--she would be funny in that role.


how about jenna elfman and thomas gibbson? oh wait they did the remake for years on abc.


Oh, I was just about to post this!!!!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed


Ooh, I like Rachel McAdams and Luke Wilson as Corie and Paul. I also think Kate Hudson would be good. Amanda Peet was wonderful as Corie in the Broadway revival and she would be a good choice as well.
I'm not sure about who would be good as Victor but it would be nice to see Jane Fonda playing Corie's mother.
