MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > Did it bother anyone else that Maude was...

Did it bother anyone else that Maude was 80?

it's completely relevant to the story and it suited her character that she's 80, and it makes this movie very different from all the other romance movies out there. But did anyone else think it was kinda freaky that he was around 18 and she was 80?




Sure, it bothers people but that's a major the point of the movie - to show that for true love, age doesn't matter. It's part of the whole philosophy of the film.




so i suppose you agree polanski is wrongly accused..for true love age doesnt matter.

Even if one believes that "for true love age doesnt matter" it does not make Polanski "wrongly accused". With Polanski, he is accused of sex with a child, which is illegal. It is "statutory rape" since she was too young to be able to consent in the eyes of the law.

In Harold and Maude it is about 2 consenting adults. There is nothing illegal...



yes but the boy in harold and maude has clearly psychological i dont know if he is able to take decisions...

He is a man in the film, not a boy and while he has some issues, I don't see how it would preclude him legally from making decisions. I think the film shows him actually to grow.



it doesnt matter he is a man..he is she exploits him...its like deceiving a retard person

Where in the film do you think it suggests that Harold "is nuts" or he is not mental competent (I assume that ius what you mean by "deceiving a retard person"), or even that she is exploiting him in some way? I have never gotten that sense from the film. What parts of the film suggest any or all of that to you?

Now a film with an older woman/younger man (though a smaller age difference) that is more about exploiting is the relationship in the film Sunset Boulevard between writer Joe Gillis and actress Norma Desmond. A more "disturbing" one, that is aimed at tweens is the Twilight films where we have not only a much larger age difference than in Harold and Maude (about 90 years difference) but the female is still under the age of consent as she is only 17 years old, so there is the element of rape in it as well.


That's the whole point of the movie. And "tylerdanielblack", don't be so rude and get over yourself.


NO, not at all.

Illusion is the first of all pleasures
-Oscar Wilde-


saggy buttocks, go harold go!

my vote history:


Did you want her to be 8 years old?


8s gr8

my vote history:


I first showed this movie to my kids when they were teenagers and they were totally horrified by it. The idea of a teenage boy in a physical relationship with an 80 year old woman was depraved beyond belief to them. They thought I was sick and depraved for liking it. It is not easy to horrify kids these days so that was a lot of fun for me.
They have both since changed their tune and find the movie sweet, and the relationship touching. I knew they would. The point of the relationship is that these are people, connecting with each other in a powerful way that transcends their respective ages, seeing in each other something deeper than just the physical.


It was stated in the movie that he was 20 years old.


Not at all. I think of Maude as the original cougar. :-)


Mrs Robinson was before Maude. So I think of Maude as Cougar-Prime.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Well played.


And all these years, I thought they were singing, "Coo coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson..."

But they were actually singing, "Cou cou-gar you, Mrs. Robinson" all this time?

Hey, if I'm going to have that song stuck in my mental jukebox for the next several days, you're going at it right along with me!


do NOT see Brokeback. You can't handle it!

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008
