
We had to watch this in English..

What the crap.

It was good and funny and weird, UNTIL they slept together. Sick!

She is like 80 and he is like 20!


So you're ok with Hugh Hefner?

RIP Heath Ledger


I haven't seen this, I am not sure I will, I read the story and freaked out when I discovered that they actually do it.

Then I read many posts who kept saying: True love has no age, age is just a number...

OK, agreed, in a platonic, poetic sort of a way. But try picturing the actual penetration like a porn movie, only between an 80 year old woman and 20 year old boy, and TELL ME AGAIN THAT IT'S BOYISHLY NORMAL.

It is sick and disgusting. Please spare me the love poem.



I don't believe anybody said it was normal, but it is acceptable. Possibly a bit gross, but it's all in the eye of the beholder (Harold in this case).

And don't let that scene stop you...no sex is shown (only implied) and it's not even a major part of the story or message. See for yerself.

"I'm retired. I invented dice when I was a kid."


I agree that age doesn't matter- unless one partner is under 18 or so, because one's mind is not developed enough at that age to have a mature sexual relationship- that's why the age of 18 is the legal cutoff, so I've been told. (I used to be in love with a girl five years younger than me- I'm 23 now, and it was hard to understand why we couldn't date.)
What bothered me about the physical relationship with Harold and Maude was not the extreme age difference. Personnally I wouldn't be attracted to someone so much older, but to each his/her own. What bothered me was the fact that they had to have a physical relationship.
Going into the movie, I only knew and expected to see the characters become an odd couple of friends and exchange perspectives and outlooks on life. The film showed the protagonist Harold finding comfort with befriending and understanding an old lady. But to show them falling in love in a physical way seemed to me to suggest that the protagonist can't be happy just getting to know Maude, that their relationship would inevitably have to lead to sex if it was such a life-affirming relationship.
I hoped that Harold's conflict of desiring death more than life would have been resolved in the movie without a sexual relationship being the cure.
Of course, I don't mean to suggest that sex was all they had to their relationship, but I didn't see why it had to be any part.

Argue with me. Show me your point of view.


we just watched this movie in my english class, too. it's one of my mom's favorites, although i'm not quite sure why. i'm all for quirky movies, but this one just didn't seem all that great to me. it was okay.

anyway, yeah, the whole harold and maude having sex is pretty gross. that's just taking a may-december relationship way too far. i think the movie would have been much better if their relationship were kept platonic, with slight sexual undertones.


I still really like this movie for its dark and quirky humor, but I agree with the OP. The implication of that was just nasty and IMO unnecessary. Why did they need to have sex to show that two people loved and found companionship in each other? Call me a prude, close-minded, or "establishment". If that happened outside the movies, people would not be calling it "true love".


The implication of that was just nasty and IMO unnecessary. Why did they need to have sex to show that two people loved and found companionship in each other?

It could be said that it's you that's thinking about the sex when you should be thinking about the love. No sex was shown, the only sexual scene is the one in your head; it's you that's introducing what you consider "nasty". Better take a cold shower. ;)

If that happened outside the movies, people would not be calling it "true love".

Maybe the fact that we witnessed their story of mutual attraction helped overcome such prejudices, whether warranted or not.


For those that find their relationship disturbing, the director has anticipated your reaction and deals with it perfectly. Just go to 1:21:40 and see yourselves.

Ruth Gordon, as herself and Maude, was beautiful. Period.

Love the Christian, Hate the Dogma



*Sigh*. Well, you obviously missed the entire point of the movie. Congratulations.


Just curious. You were 17 when you wrote this 5 years ago. You are now 22. Have you grown up? Have you managed to live a little and get a sniff of life? Has your opinion changed, or do you still have feces for brains?? Just curious.

