similar movies?

I just watched this and loved it! Could anyone recommend some similar movies? I don't necessarily mean the young/old romance thing, but more the whole message and mood of the movie.

thanks in advance!


I have no idea how I remembered this movie.

It was made in the 1970's with a younger Diane Lane and the famous British actor Laurence Olivier. I saw it years ago on tv and had to watch it to the end. I liked the dynamic of the old man acting as a guide to the younger ones experiencing their first love.

"A Little Romance" (1979)


I could suggest a little beautiful movie called "Circle of two". Starring great Richard Burton and Tatum O'Neal. It is very similar to "H&M", a story of love between a school girl and a 60 year old painter. I personally love it.


I agree with the first post, Heathers is a great dark comedy.

~ dear diary; my teen angst bullsh*t now has a body count.



I just finished watching this for the first time, and I was reminded of The Fisher King.

Jeff Bridges' character, like Harold, is a guy who's not happy with his life.

Robin Williams' character, like Maude, is life-affirming and has suffered tragedy.

They become friends and end up helping each other (although they don't sleep together lol).

If you liked Harold and Maude, I think you will also like The Fisher King.



Charlie Bartlett - same song sung and a bit of similarity with the mom's in both movies too.


"Getting it right" UK comedy/romance/coming-of-age. In common with Fight Club, it does have the awesome Helena Bonham Carter.


Submarine! Great quirky film in the style of Wes Anderson. Also, I'm going to say The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Driving Miss Daisy, 500 Days of Summer, Ghost World, Little Miss Sunshine, Rushmore, Garden State, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Juno... I could go on. I agree with most of the other above mentions as well.


for the ultimate in forbidden love, see Brokeback

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008
