similar movies?

I just watched this and loved it! Could anyone recommend some similar movies? I don't necessarily mean the young/old romance thing, but more the whole message and mood of the movie.

thanks in advance!


Similar in the sense that it is odd, one of a kind, symbolic....and stars Bud Cort:

Brewster McCloud. It was the movie Robert Altman made after his first, M.A.S.H., was a huge hit and the studios couldn't wait to give him money to make another. And he went out and made this very peculiar story of a boy making himself wings under the Houston Astrodome. He has a guardian angel (Sally Kellerman)....and those who get in his way end up...stymied. Check it out.


maybe not his best film but gus van sants "restless" kinda reminded me of harold and maude, I liked it!

Jim Carroll: Time sure flies when you're young and jerking off.
