Greatest Planet of the Apes Sequel?

C'mon lets face facts, in comparison to the first one the Planet of the Apes sequels are poor films, But this has to be the best of.

Which is your favourite?


1 - Planet
2 - Conquest
3 - Escape
4 - Battle
5 - Beneath

"Beneath" is the worst. I hate the mutants and the bomb church scene...


1 - Planet
2 - Conquest
3 - Beneath
4 - Battle
5 - Escape






I think that Beneath and Battle are easily the worst of the films in the series. But I am having difficulty deciding which of the two is the worst of the bunch. Beneath had a superior budget, better effects, and overall better acting. But I think that Battle had a better screenplay. Which is more important? I don't know.

Beneath gets corny as it unfolds with it's weird 60s style science fiction psychic mutants who worship a bomb, causing a massive amount of eye rolling for me. Contradictions and internal continuity issues abound in a weak as hell script that could have been so much more. Good concepts didn't have time to unfold decently thanks to having to waste time replacing Heston with a Heston clone.

Yet, Battle features a very laughable depiction of the mutants as even more ignorant than their future selves, weak and pathetic. The stakes seem so low thanks to the way it was depicted on screen. I do not blame the script for that, but the execution. The pathetically weak execution. The mutants were a joke, stumbling through the desert, falling down, driving five miles per hour. I mean, good lord, at least mount a credible threat. Battle just got cheesy as heck during it's last 35 minutes.

Escape From the Planet of the Apes and Conquest of the Planet of the Apes are easily the best sequels. They make you care for their main characters and have real heart. They are layered and leave you with things to ponder, with things to think about. Both films have a lot to say, while Beneath and Battle have very little to offer other than weird adventure.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I enjoyed all of them for different reasons. I loved "Battle" because of the war. In the first two Ape films, Apes are incharge over humans, in the next two Ape films, humans are incharge over Apes, then in the fifth and final film we see the two groups go head-to-head in war.

Aldo and Kolp are both fanatics, and I always find it highly entertaining whenever two villains compete because you just know a villain is going to do whatever is needed to win, so it makes it all the more entertaining see them compete against the other. And sometimes, I the audience member may dislike the two villains that are battling with each other, so therefore, I cannot vicariously live through either of them, and can just sit back, and enjoy the entertainment of seeing the two of them fight. In a way, it's like a roller coaster ride, because I may be cheering for one character, but then be against them the next since each side represents something I am not sure if I support. That's how I felt as I watched the Battle scenes in "Battle for the Planet of the Apes", as well as read the battle scenes in the book that was based on the screenplay.


I think this one. It's a tough call, because I really like them in general. I think Conquest is definitely the least of the bunch, but putting the other three in order is something I'd probably do differently depending on the day.


