Greatest Planet of the Apes Sequel?

C'mon lets face facts, in comparison to the first one the Planet of the Apes sequels are poor films, But this has to be the best of.

Which is your favourite?


Conquest (unrated version w/ original ending) is my favorite

Escape is my second favorite


wears-alan: >>they had Austin Stoker play the brother of Harry Rhodes MacDonald in "Battle", why do this? <<

Thank you for mentioning this because I had always asked myself the same thing, I always felt it would have been better if MacDonald was the same character in BATTLE as he was in CONQUEST. This way, it would have been interesting that Caesar seems to allow MacDonald more leeway and is like a personal friend, because MacDonald saved Caesar's life in CONQUEST.


Just to add to this, they never explain what happened to the original MacDonald, which also irked me.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Escape and Conquest are my favorites, and they aren't poor films AT ALL.

I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.


I think "Escape from" is the best sequel. The humor is in good tone and THAT Jerry Goldsmith score.

PotA > Escape > Battle > Beneath > Conquest

Miss Anders... I didn't recognize you with your clothes on.


It's hard to say. Everyone's favorite sequel is due to their personal taste. Some say Beneath is best. Others will say Escape and there are those that think Conquest is the best.


BENEATH is my favorite sequel. An awesome return to the original ape world with most of the characters from the first movie. General Ursus was a great addition and Brent was an acceptable substitute for Taylor and then we see Taylor again. This went more in-depth in the ape society and it was great watching the gorillas training for war, marching, then wreaking havoc in the mutants world. And the ruins were awesome.

ESCAPE is my next favorite. How can you go wrong with a movie starring Cornelius and Zira?

CONQUEST was my next favorite. I wish it was bloodier than it is, and had Caesar commanding larger groups of apes, taking over the entire city.

BATTLE would've made a good TV series, but it was a bit weak for a movie. And is this the same Caesar we saw in the previous film? It's like Teddy Roosevelt turning into Jimmy Carter.


I like to look at the movies as one long story together. Each film has its hits and misses, but together they make one epic king kong sized package




BATTLE is criminally underrated, I'll say that. But I would say it's the weakest of the 5 movies... just not a 'bad movie' as some think. It's got a heart and has something to say, which is to its benefit.


Escape is my best in the main 5.
Rise is good to but not a Sequel.
Be interesting to see Dawn next month.

