MovieChat Forums > Mean Streets (1973) Discussion > Who found Johnny Boy to be..- Annoying?

Who found Johnny Boy to be..- Annoying?

I loved the movie but my friend did not like it AT ALL...
He said that the movie started out to be okay, but when Johnny Boy's character started to show up more, he got annoyed by Robert Deniro's character and didn't enjoy the film..
He gave this movie a 5/10..
I really liked the movie, and the actors, but I'm running out of Scorsese movies to watch!!

Did anyone else not enjoy the movie because of Johnny Boy?


Don't ever underestimate the power of one annoying character to ruin a entire film. Few more scenes with the annoying child in Jerry Maguire and I would hate this movie forever.

In some point I cant stand Johnny Boy anymore and almost scream to the screen "shut up already" and I am really want him to get beat up. On the other hand, more than any other plot line, I wanted to know what would happen with Johnny debt. Although I'm ambivalent about his Johnny Boy, I kind of understand your friend. I think it's perfectly legitimate to hate a movie only because one character.


If you people couldn't see the raw energy in De Niro's portrayal of Johnny Boy I feel sorry for you. What you were witnessing was the beginning of a career in film that will perhaps never be matched. De Niro was awarded by the National Society of Film Critics for this performance, why don't you take up your argument with them.


He is supposed to be annoying. His brain does not work right.


Johnny is a worthless human being. He is a grifter who has no regard for anybody else. He's not even decent to his best friend or family.
