MovieChat Forums > Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Discussion > One bit that absolutely does NOT work.

One bit that absolutely does NOT work.

"Make sure the prince doesn't leave the room."

I've always hated that scene. It's a dud within an otherwise really funny movie. I mean, the joke lasts like five minutes, even though it ceased to be funny after about 15 seconds. They just overcook it to death!

Tu stultus es.



"One rabbit stew coming right up!"

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


It's a dud within an otherwise really funny movie. - Stacked_All_Cattywompus

Recently I saw Spamalot, the stage musical based on Holy Grail and other parts of the Python catalog. (This was a local repertory company version and not a big-name version.) The "make sure 'ee dusn't leave" scene is in the musical, and it was the flattest scene in what was a very lively and well-received performance. So, it doesn't work on film and it doesn't work on stage, either.

I mean, the joke lasts like five minutes, even though it ceased to be funny after about 15 seconds. They just overcook it to death!

Unfortunately, that seemed to inspire Mike Myers, who loves to drive a joke into the ground in every film of his I've seen.
"We hear very little, and we understand even less." - Refugee in Casablanca


the Pythons do these kinda scenes to torture the audience. it's intentional.


Yep, it's consciously overcooked for such a pointless moment, while the delivery of the actors keeps it funny.


It's not my favorite scene in the movie, but it works for me. My favorite bit is when the prince "sneakily" writes the note and shoots it out the window, they keep cutting back and forth between him and the two guards obliviously smiling at him... Keep a close eye on Graham Chapman's face. I promise you, you will laugh.


worked me though really funny not dragged at all.


For me the scene is perfect.

The Pythons were always great at taking their skit to the limit, and then to 11.

Don't lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools.


It absolutely DOES work.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


The hiccuping is the only part that doesn't work.

I'm straight up lovable, son.
