MovieChat Forums > Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Discussion > One bit that absolutely does NOT work.

One bit that absolutely does NOT work.

"Make sure the prince doesn't leave the room."

I've always hated that scene. It's a dud within an otherwise really funny movie. I mean, the joke lasts like five minutes, even though it ceased to be funny after about 15 seconds. They just overcook it to death!

Tu stultus es.


by UneOmeletteFromage
It's a dud within an otherwise really funny movie.

The only scene i don't like is how they finished the movie (ie, they didn't). your example is definitely 'over-cooked', but still amusing if not outright funny.

It’s ridiculous to critique a movie with the argument 'it's not real, so it doesn't matter'


I liked the sudden non-finish to the movie; it had the feel of a classic Flying Circus sketch. I'm with the OP on the guard scene, too. There's nothing about it that exhibits the Pythons' cleverness with wordplay.

"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."


i think it's funny.


It is funny.


It's bleeping funny.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes


I wouldn't say it does NOT work. that almost sounds like trying to state a fact, when it isnt.

I found the bit to be hilarious


Yeah, I always hated that scene, because it takes 3 minutes to figure out that the guard is so stupid, that he thought the king was talking about the second guard, instead of the pansy prince.


i get why people dislike it, but I think it is kinda brilliant. the acting, delivery, confusion presented perfectly --- maybe it doesn't fit this FILM persay, but it feels like another well executed "Who's on first" situation comedy bit.


I will say the actors were good at line delivery, but it was an annoying scene, nonetheless. The entire swamp castle scenario felt like a distraction from the rest of the story.


haha yeah, def annoying


I enjoy the scene but agree that it is overcooked like a standard SNL skit. I wonder if they were making fun of American comedy.

Once the King leaves, the skit gets back to being super funny.

As someone above stated, the bit I don't think works well in the movie is the end.


That bit is the most universal joke in the entire movie. It happens to everyone everywhere everyday.
