MovieChat Forums > Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Discussion > People actually find this movie funny?

People actually find this movie funny?

I just saw this last night and I honestly can't understand what people find funny about this film. I actually lasted one hour because I couldn't stand wasting another half hour watching this humourless film.

What's so funny about those French guys catapulting animals?
Or the knight who is dismembered?
Or the thing about the people being sacked for doing those subtitles in the beginning???? What was that all about??? I was in a good mood and it actually made me sad.

And yes, I got all the jokes, there was nothing to actually 'get'.

The day before yesterday I had just watched a movie that was released in the same year as Monthy Python. It's called Love and Death. It's a Woody Allen film. Now that's a funny film. That's laugh out loud funny for one and a half hours, and it's actually ALMOST a masterpiece.

Now these are what I call great comedies: Any Woody Allen film (Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Sleeper, Love and Death, Manhattan), Charlie Chaplin films, Dr. Stangelove, Some Like it Hot etc...

Monthy Python is such an unfunny movie and it's not because I hate British comedy because I love watching British comedies on BBC Prime like My family or As Time goes By (starring Judy Dench) or Only Fools and Horses. I find those to be actually funny.

I was quite disappointed with this film because I actually like other Gilliam films like Jabberwocky (which is a bit similar in style to Monthy Python), Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Twelve Monkeys etc.

I would love to hear your feedback about what you find funny in this film.
I didn't offend anyone so please don't be immature.

Thanks and Cheers

ENOUGH from the clown!!!!!!!!


There are people who don't (find it funny)?


Agree. I hate to be the guy who hates on the popular thing but this just didn't work for me. It had it's moments but they were few and far between. The whole thing just felt like a decent amateur student film or an extended sketch show or something. Just a bunch of lads with a camera mucking about. Some works, some doesn't but it's hardly a classic piece of comedy entertainment. Most sections are no better than your average sketch show bit. A lot of it's pretty one note and relies on little more than being silly and stupid and childish with pretty basic satire thrown in.

I love Fawlty Towers and Life of Brian because they have much more wit to them and more of a story.


You're not alone. A lot of people don't 'get' Monty Python, like yourself.

I, for one, bloody love it. Especially MPATHG.

“They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.”


I lost it at "French guys catapulting animals." The OP did that on purpose, right?

Oh my God not another dead body!


Or the thing about the people being sacked for doing those subtitles in the beginning???? [] What was that all about??? I was in a good mood and it actually made me sad.

The idea that some people out there actually think that people were really sacked for bad subtitle copy just made that joke ten times more hilarious.


I didn't think this movie was funny, either.


Watched this first time last night. I know it's 5 years ago from OPs post, but yes, I agree. Really don't know how this can be top 100 on IMDB. It's basically a collection of short sketches with crude animation to compensate for what would be scenes with special effects.

After 45 minutes, I was forcing myself to finish the film so that I can say I've watched it. The ending with the Police was even more disappointing.

I admit that the Robin (Hood?) minstrels sketches were funny, predicting Robin would tell them to stop :-)

That's my opinion anyway.

BTW, I like Fawlty Towers (9/10) (have the DVDs), think Life of Brian (7/10) is good, though not brilliant (still have the Always Look on the Bright Side of Life CD single;-) ), think Fish Called Wanda (9/10) is brilliant and one of the Top 5 comedies made, so I have nothing against the Python team.


An OP who slags off a film, which in turn generates many replies to the contrary, but who never posts again. If someone starts a negative thread try to resist the temptation to get involved.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


Yep. Unfortunately, you can't always be sure if the person is that type of poster. But I've noticed that they either post once and never again, or respond to EVERY other post made by others after it. Both are annoying.
