MovieChat Forums > Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Discussion > People actually find this movie funny?

People actually find this movie funny?

I just saw this last night and I honestly can't understand what people find funny about this film. I actually lasted one hour because I couldn't stand wasting another half hour watching this humourless film.

What's so funny about those French guys catapulting animals?
Or the knight who is dismembered?
Or the thing about the people being sacked for doing those subtitles in the beginning???? What was that all about??? I was in a good mood and it actually made me sad.

And yes, I got all the jokes, there was nothing to actually 'get'.

The day before yesterday I had just watched a movie that was released in the same year as Monthy Python. It's called Love and Death. It's a Woody Allen film. Now that's a funny film. That's laugh out loud funny for one and a half hours, and it's actually ALMOST a masterpiece.

Now these are what I call great comedies: Any Woody Allen film (Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Sleeper, Love and Death, Manhattan), Charlie Chaplin films, Dr. Stangelove, Some Like it Hot etc...

Monthy Python is such an unfunny movie and it's not because I hate British comedy because I love watching British comedies on BBC Prime like My family or As Time goes By (starring Judy Dench) or Only Fools and Horses. I find those to be actually funny.

I was quite disappointed with this film because I actually like other Gilliam films like Jabberwocky (which is a bit similar in style to Monthy Python), Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Twelve Monkeys etc.

I would love to hear your feedback about what you find funny in this film.
I didn't offend anyone so please don't be immature.

Thanks and Cheers

ENOUGH from the clown!!!!!!!!


AAAAHHHHH. Your bad. The funniest part of this movie is right at the 61st minute.


And so he say to the lady "tickle your arse with a feather" and if she smiles its on, but if not he repeats "particulary nasty weather".


Couldn't agree more.
This movie made me sad too.


"Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!"

"You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!"

"If I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!"

Excalibur will never seem the same again. Priceless.

OP, I'm shocked you don't even find THAT remotely amusing.


That's a weird OP. The Grail is seen as gutbusting vaudeville laughter. You just can't help yourself.

The movies you mention are mostly those that involved "polite" or "forced" laughter. They just don't have natural humor. They're more like funny ideas to a couple of drunks talking about "wouldn't it be funny if we made a movie like..."

The films you mention are the ones I can't see laughing with. "Some Like it Hot" didn't get a single laugh from me. It just wasn't funny. Your films are "mildly amusing" or "lightly likable" at best.

The Grail rocks.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time
that's not funny!


I suppose that one criterium for the audience of this film is that is has at least basic academic education. Many of the jokes are on the expense of idiotic historic academic resoning and science methods. If you don't know anything about the original story about King Arthur, the witch processes, Bible language, general picture of medieval Europe and its beliefs, you will miss many of the laughs.


Is there anything crazier than the idea that one of the Apostles stole a chalice after the last supper? A kind man puts on a spread for them and one of the saints robs him?

Let's face it. The Grail Legend had it coming!


I found this movie unfunny too, and it just makes me sad and angry. It seems that everybody just love this 'comedy' and I am a black sheep or something for hating it. I really tried hard to like it - for about half an hour, but after that I turned it off bored helplessly. I don't know - I like British humour, I even liked Kevin & Perry Go Large, which has some stupid humour, but I laughed out loud. Holy Grail is a classic and all, but you know, I dare to say that king is naked - Holy Grail is unfunny.


Instead of answering the kit and kaboodle I'll just answer one question. What was funny about the knight being dismembered. That in itself wasn't funny, but they way he kept insisting that he was invincible as his limbs were chopped off one by one and still in the end he was still spitting at his opponent threatening to make short work of him. THAT was funny. But they say if you have to explain it, it's not funny, so......


Come back to this board and I'll chew your legs off! Come back and fight! LOL


personally, i would have to say that "some" people who haven't been fans of Monty Python's Flying Circus will find this funny. but most will not

Monty Python is an acquired taste to most people, total hit or miss.
as an example Tom Green is also a hit or miss.

most people who dislike one or the other either do not like their type of humor or 95% of the time has never seen their shows. they just saw the random movie that were made afterwards.

Me, being a fan of the show, I absolutely loved it. there are tons of references of how they interacted together like in the show. the generally useless arguing on any given subject and such.

to be honest, i did not read ALL of these posts but i seem to agree on one thing.
If you don't like it, why check the boards and ask silly questions like this one..

why would you care if people actually found this movie to be funny?

you clearly did not like it

and i bet ya that nothing anyone on here will say will change that opinion.


"What's so funny about those French guys catapulting animals?"

I swear this makes me crack up every time I think about it.

"Fetchez la vache!"

- - -

"...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped."


"What's so funny about those French guys catapulting animals?"

Just reading this makes me laugh!

Everybody be cool. You - be cool.



What's not funny about it?

They're having an argument, and then the French bloke randomly lobs a cow at him. A cow. Of all things to happen, a cow comes flying over the battlements. You can't tell me anybody was expecting it to happen the first time they watched it.

A lot of Monty Python's humour came from something unexpected or unusual happening. It's not supposed to make sense, or being something you can explain. It's just meant to be stupid and funny.


Also the all yell run away but the servant is carrying so much gear he can’t move.
