MovieChat Forums > Barney Miller (1974) Discussion > Not best episode - but best single lines

Not best episode - but best single lines

My first nomination - when the well-to do-lady lodges a complaint about Scanlon repeatedly trying to hit on her. After telling Barney and Wojo about this, she asks : "He does belong to you, doesn't he?"

Wojo, nodding and smiling : "He, uh, does now..."


Scanlon: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... yeah..Big talk from a statue!!” A knee-slapper!


Dietrich to irate arrested person: "Milk Dud?"


Yemana when cooking shabu shabu in the squad room, in episode "Fire '77". Wojo says it smells like garbage, Yemana indignantly lists the ingredients—fish heads, cabbage leaves, cucumber rinds— then says "Come to think of it, that is garbage!"


Just saw that sequence again a couple of nights ago, and it still cracks me up. Equally funny is the wordless bit at the end when he takes a sip of his own concoction, and gets a look on his face that suggests it tastes even worse than it smells.

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


All of these are GREAT! Here's one of mine I've not seen mentioned here -

This exchange is so dry, it went over my head after all these years of watching reruns. When I recently caught this funny, I was in stitches! Maybe the censors missed it as well???

This is from s4e12, "The Bank" - A man's sperm bank deposit has gone bad. Inspector Frank Luger and Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich are discussing it:

Luger: Bum deposit at the bank, uh?
Dietrich : Right.
Luger: Dead beat.
Dietrich : I'm afraid so.

Followed by the driest of looks between them.


Wojo to Scanlon: Harris don't lie, so you can take your [lie detector] and shove it up your internal affairs!
