MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > Can anyone recommend any movies as good ...

Can anyone recommend any movies as good as this and Rosemary's Baby?

Anyone know of any 60s / 70s movies in a similar vein, or just as good and watchable as these two? Not necessarily in the same 'horror' or thriller genre, just good movies of the same era.


The Omen
On The Beach

(Can't go wrong with Gregory Peck)

The Family Plot
The Birds (1962)
The Watcher In The Woods


Many good ones have already been suggested. A few more:

- The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (The book is also very good.)

- The Godsend (1980 version. About an evil child. Better yet, read the book, it's definitely superior to the film.)

- Embryo (Not great, but has Rock Hudson and a sci-fi Frankenstein concept.)

- Bunny Lake is Missing (1967 version. The great cast includes Noel Coward as a gay masochist!)

- The Haunts of the Very Rich (Made-for-TV movie which is currently on YouTube. I am completely baffled by the title, though.)


Wait Until Dark
Lady in a Cage
Rider on the Rain (Le passager de la pluie)
The Mephisto Waltz
Night Watch (1973)


Love Harold and Maude. 1971.


Westworld and the Stepford Wives would make a great double feature.

Also, See No Evil (1971) starring Mia Farrow is an excellent early 70s under the radar thriller.



Your comment is rude, StanleyJim.


The Haunting of Julia

Burnt Offerings

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
