MovieChat Forums > Helter Skelter (1976) Discussion > Susan Atkins is miss representative in t...

Susan Atkins is miss representative in the film

She did not act liked like a vampire like its portrayed in the movie. She was a young girl under the influence of Charles Manson, when she committed the murders.

She owned up to her crime during prison, she became a born-again Christian, she was a soft spoken & model prisoner up to her death.


Susan Atkins did, indeed act like a vampire. She was a young woman, not a girl and was involved in all the gruesome murders! It doesn't matter what she did in prison afterwards. She was a despicable individual who needed to be locked up for life! All of them need to be locked up for life!


Fuck her


Thank you!

Scary how naive some people are.


She was a MURDERER.



Susan Atkins aka Sadie did an interview 17 years later when she was up for parole. Even then she would not express remorse or sorrow for what she had done. Either she was afraid to defy Manson or she was a sociopath or both. I vote for both. the born again christian thing is BS just for the parole board.

Susan Atkins was the one who slaughtered Sharon Tate.

On a side note why are people who actually believe in heaven and hell trying to help vicious murderers like that go to heaven? They belong in hell if there is one.

Tex Watson also played that born again game to get off. He is still alive in prison where he will stay until he dies.


Susan Atkins tasted Sharon Tate's blood. Said it was "warm and sticky." Ding Ding the witch is dead! Murderer



To be fair, it was Tex who killed Sharon. He even said it in his book in the late 70s that he alone killed her. He has no reason to lie; he is already serving a life sentence. Susan was verbally abusive towards Sharon for sure but she did not kill her. Tex Watson and Patricia Krenwinkel (who killed Abigail Folger) were the main killers that night.

Susan lied in grand jury about killing Sharon because she didn't want Manson to harm her or her son.


And a woman who goes on a two night killing spree, not to mention her earlier foray into murder when she accompanied Bobby Beausoleil to murder Gary Hinman, is a woman who can be trusted and taken at her word! Seriously, she bragged about the crimes to her roommate when she was incarcerated at Sybil Brand. She couldn't wait to open her fat mouth and brag. The police had not yet connected the Manson family to the crimes.

Not only was Susan evil to the core, she was a loud mouth braggart.

She changed her story many times to suit her chances to try and get parole. She was "verbally abusive towards Sharon..." Whaaaat???? You deem terrorizing a pregnant woman that she's going to die while brandishing a knife and holding her down to be stabbed SIXTEEN times (after hanging her from a rope over her own beamed ceiling)comes under the heading of "verbal abuse"? Yikes!
If I was ever on trial for murder, I'd want a bleeding heart, easily fooled person like you on the jury!

As for lying, the same goes for that murderous psychopath Watson who needed a trip to the gas chamber. He has plenty of reason to lie. Watson has come up for parole numerous times and the parole board felt that he never showed remorse or took responsibility for the murders.

So the little piece of garbage changed his game. He used up his bag of tricks. "So...
....NOW is the time to change my strategy. Show "remorse", accept all the blame. Maybe the dopes on the Parole Board will be fooled THIS time by my newfound sorrow and repentance."

Please, no excuses for either one! Thank God she died right where she belonged, in prison. Hopefully that phony a@@ evil "born again" Watson does the same.

Every August I read about these murderers again and say a prayer for their victims. It's appalling that these evil creatures expect to be paroled some day!
