Remake is superior

In every way possible.


Imagine how much better life would be if the USSR had won the Cold War


I haven't seen the remake yet... But it wouldn't surprise me... as the original is not good... only the visual style stands out the rest is garbage..


This movie is Manos: Hands of Fate bad. Actually, I take that back. Manos at least made sense and had a decent jazz soundtrack.


Fake news.


It has to be!


The remake is alright but far too long (clocks in at 2hr 32mins). It went the opposite direction with regards to visuals, it's drab and almost completely drained of color, a very cold and greyish visual aesthetic. The music was okay but not even in the same galaxy as Goblins bombastic score.

Suspiria (1977) is one of the greatest audio-visual experiences in cinema history. A real feast for the eyes and ears.

Suspiria (2018) is a competent film. Well acted, decent story and production values... and that's about it.

Honestly anyone who thinks the remake is better belongs in an asylum.


I enjoyed the remake but hells bells was it way too long!!!


Yeah 100 percent agree.

I've never understood the argument that Suspiria is too confusing. When you strip it back it's a very simple plot with a women getting involved with a mystery with witches. It's got some nightmare like imagery but the plot itself is simple but works well for what the film is trying to show, an artist's nightmare.

The remake for me misses this. It tries to be far too deep for a film that wasn't really about plot but was more about visuals. The original flows really well for me, but the remake just dragged.

I suppose it was nice to see a remake that tried to be different as most remakes tend to be generic cash ins. And I don't think they could have ever captured the original if they had tried to just make the same film


I rate them both a 7/10
