Should I watch this?

It sounds pretty wild and I have heard mixed things about how good it actually is. What do you think?


Depends on how much you can stomach. I can take quite a bit and there are a few scenes that I have to turn away from. About halfway through a man has been accepted by the cannibal tribe and they give him a liver to eat. The guy puts it in his mouth, chews it like twice and then realizes he can't eat it and he just kind of sits there for a little bit while a partially eaten liver is in his mouth.

Are there any movies you've seen that disturb you? If you are disturbed by films like Reservoir Dogs then you should not watch this at all because this makes Reservoir Dogs look like Aladdin.


I didn't find Reservoir Dogs disturbing. I found Salo somewhat disturbing and gross, but I still liked it. I found The Girl Next Door disturbing because of the themes and also because it was based on true events. I don't think I have seen any other films that disturbed me.


OK, well Cannibal Holocaust is definitely grosser than The Girl Next Door. What The Girl Next Door doesn’t show, Cannibal Holocaust does show.

Cannibal Holocaust isn’t as emotional as TGND however so there’s that. Yeah I say give it a shot, the film is probably on YouTube for free.


As someone who has seen over 2,000 films, this shit has a few scenes that are the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen.


I've seen it a few times. In the realm of Cannibal films it is one of the better ones.


You’ve already seen lots of Italian genre films, so I think you should. It’s a great film full of social commentary by Deodato with a fabulous score. It’s easily the most well known of the sub genre, and one of the earliest found footage films. You have to admire the cast and crew for the conditions they endured and the legal mess Deodato got into after filming is quite interesting. The practical effects are convincing with the impalement scene being particularly good.

I would say this one falls in 3rd or possibly 4th place for me within the sub genre.





So, I watched it today. This was brutal, but wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. For the most part, this is effective and works pretty well. I didn't like the animal cruelty and felt it was unnecessary and excessive. As disturbing as the film is, there is definitely significant artistic merit here. 7/10 is my rating.
