MovieChat Forums > For Your Eyes Only (1981) Discussion > Bibi - Most annoying Bond character ever...

Bibi - Most annoying Bond character ever!

God I hate her voice.


best bond girl and most beautiful


And the slutiest as well.



More annoying that Sheriff Culpepper? I think NOT




I think she was a fun addition to FYEO. But I can't argue she can be on the annoying side.

But 'most' annoying in a Bond film? That award goes to Goodnight in Man with the Golden Gun, imho. And trust me... I'm a HUGE fan of Hammer Horror movies and loved Britt in almost everything she was in like Willow in The Wicker Man, but in TMwtGG? I would not have been sad it Bond 'accidentally' bumped her into the Solex power plant's deadly freeze!

Grace Jones was pretty damn annoying too in A View to a Kill.


Tonya Roberts is #1 on annoying.


More annoying than say, Sheriff Pepper or Stacey Sutton? Or even beyond Roger Moore's period like Christmas Jones!?


BIBI was or is a MAN........ TRANSGENDER! Even the great James Bond has the best instincts to know that and NOT be fooled!!!!!!!!!!!


LOL, no. You're thinking of one of the extras in the swimming pool scene. Bibi was played by ice skater and actress Lynn-Holly Johnson.


aw ya. she stinks.
i have no idea who wrote that character .. they should not be writing.


I concur. Absolutely abysmal...


Yes, annoying, and obviously overdubbed voice. Who knows whose voice that really was. Same with Carol Bouquet.

I figure it was some kind of deal to help finance the film. Someone was pushing her as the "next big thing" and got this part, probably written for her, as it didn't move the plot forward at all.


That IS her real voice
She was in Ice Castles in ‘78
