MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) Discussion > Why Temple Of Doom Is The Best Indiana J...

Why Temple Of Doom Is The Best Indiana Jones Film

ive always thought it was the best one and the one i most identify Indiana Jones with. probably bc its the first Indy i saw at the cinema. and bought the memorabilia (novel, comic, storybook, fold out poster magazine, even a bullwhip!), played the arcade game, and watched Raiders when it showed on itv around the same time (which made it feel almost like a supplement to Doom)


It is a great film but I gotta go with Raiders.


for me Doom supercedes Raiders (for reasons given), but i know Raiders is the better film/the classic


It's my favorite John Williams score of all the indy movies.


Raiders of the lost ark is the best film in my opinion, followed by Last Crusade


Raiders of the lost ark is the best film in my opinion, followed by Temple of Doom

There I fixed it for you.


Last crusade is the 2nd best film and a big improvement on temple of doom which is average


Temple of Doom is the 2nd best film and a big improvement on last crusade which is terrible and crystal skull which is also bad.

There I fixed it for you.


No you broke it, last crusade is universally loved and rated higher than doom, these are facts and you must accept you have bad taste.


Appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy, that is a fact and you must accept it.

Also Temple of Doom is also "universally loved" according to those same sources so apparently I don't have bad taste. If I said I don't know Meet The Spartans was a good film you might have a point but Temple is considered by most to be one of the greatest action adventure films ever made.


Why can't you just respect someone else's opinion and leave it at that, MCU497?


The same way you respect my opinion????


You are absolutely right about the Indy movies. Damned fools don't know what they've got here...


Appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy only when we're dealing with objective facts. When dealing with matters of subjective opinion, however, popularity is the most reasonable metric.

And yes, Temple of Doom is well loved, but not as loved as Crusade. Your personal crusade against it is the most batshit crazy thing I have witnessed on the IMDb all these years (with continuation on moviechat). You can't even leave people's own personal preferences alone. Furiousstyles even specified that in his opinion, Crusade is the second best Indy film. But you couldn't leave that alone, could you? You had to "fix" another person's personal opinion, because according to you, he's not allowed to have one.


Then that's all you have, your subjective opinion. My subjective opinion is just as valid as yours.

Actually it's you who "can't even leave people's own personal preferences alone". I literally did not even respond to you yet here you are spouting out your own subjective opinion as if I'm just supposed to give you an unchallenged forum and just take it. Life doesn't work that way, kiddo.


Then that's all you have, your subjective opinion. My subjective opinion is just as valid as yours.

Except you don't treat your subjective opinion as subjective - you proclaim them as facts, and that is an erroneous assumption.

Actually it's you who "can't even leave people's own personal preferences alone". I literally did not even respond to you

Are you stupid? First of all, furiousstyles literally did not even respond to YOU when you butted in with your pathetic attempt to "fix" his opinion. Second, this is a FORUM. But since you were clearly unaware of this (since you thought "I wasn't talking to you" is a valid argument), that makes you a hypocrite.

yet here you are spouting out your own subjective opinion as if I'm just supposed to give you an unchallenged forum and just take it. Life doesn't work that way, kiddo.

I wasn't merely "spouting my opinion". I was correcting you on matters where you were FACTUALLY mistaken.


Please show me one instance where I "proclaim(ed) them(opinions) as facts", I dare you, I double dare you....

I'm also not the one pitching a fit about "respecting" opinions, you are yet you have clearly shown no respect for mine you gutless hypocrite.

You haven't corrected anything, all you've done is exposed your own ignorance.


Please show me one instance where I "proclaim(ed) them(opinions) as facts", I dare you, I double dare you....

You mean in this thread only? Well, your accusation that furiousstyles was using the ad populum fallacy was factually wrong. And then your own attempt at showing Temple to be popular by the same means was a straw-man, because the argument was not "Temple is not a popular film", but "Crusade is more popular than Temple". Which the ratings bear out.

I'm also not the one pitching a fit about "respecting" opinions, you are yet you have clearly shown no respect for mine you gutless hypocrite.

Like I have told you countless times, I don't care that you hate Crusade. But all your arguments against it are rubbish, which reveal how you alter your criteria for Crusade, bashing it for things you are perfectly fine with in other movies. I have never, not once, criticised you for hating Crusade. That's your prerogative, and it's different strokes for different folks. But your vitriolic attacks on Crusade do not have some sort of immunity from criticism - not least because they are so fallacious.


So then you can't point to a single instance? Figured.

For something you don't care about you sure do spend a lot of time responding to it. Sounds like you enjoy the attention I give you.


I've said it before but I don't like Temple of Doom. Willie and Short Round are too annoying, the action scenes aren't that good, and the villains aren't as good as the ones in Raiders and Last Crusade. I also dislike that Temple of Doom won the Oscar for Best Special Effects over Ghostbusters.


Short Round was awesome, probably the best sidekick Indy has had aside from Marion (Raiders Marion) and Sallah (Raiders Sallah). Willie wasn't a great character but you have to understand why she acted the way she did, had you been in her situation you would probably act similarly. The action sequences were amazing, they were suspenseful, they were violent and John Williams score made them all the more thrilling. Mola Ram and Chatter Lal were great villains, mostly because they posed a legitimate threat to Indiana Jones. They were pure evil and it made the audience want Indy to triumph over them. Julian Glover and Alison Doody were two of the most pathetic villains I have ever seen in cinema, almost as bad as Dominic Greene from Quantum of Solace. The special effects were top notch, sure Ghostbusters had great special effects as well but Temple of Doom wins hands down.

While it's not as good as Raiders it is certainly better than Last Crusade and Crystal Skull and from what I've gathered it's also better than Dial of Destiny.


I have come to like some aspects of Doom a lot more than I did when I was a kid, but at the end of the day, I still largely feel the same as I did when I saw it in the theaters as a kid: loud, crass, shrill, bombastic, exhausting, headache inducing. I feel the same as I do about 1941, which I don't hate but don't particularly love either.


Willie Scott was annoying, but Short Round technically saved all the good guys, including Indy himself!


I agree she wasn't as good as Marion, but she's definitely better than freaking Alison Doody and from what I've read she's a lot better than Helena Shaw.


I agree Doom is the lowest ranked in my opinion. I like some of the special effects, such as Mola Ram pulling the guy's heart out of his chest, but then the mine cart chase, the "background" shots through the mine were so horrible. I've been watchin these movies with my kids now, they love them, but God almighty, the mine cart chase was hard to watch.


Raiders, Doom and Last Crusade are all brilliant for different reasons that I'm actually at the point where I can't decide on a favourite haha. Raiders is the classic fun filled action adventure, Doom is the darkest and most intense and Last Crusade is the funniest and most heartfelt.

All I know is it's one of the best film trilogies ever made and showcases why Spielberg is a master of his craft and one of, if not the greatest filmmaker of all time.


Spielberg is my second favorite director to Nolan.


I think Willie immediately and completely takes out Doom as the best. Even the entertaining Short Round can't totally balance her out.


Just be honest, if you were in that situation you would act the same way Willie did.


No chance. I do not look good in evening wear or high heels, and, as devilishly roguish as Indy is, I'm just not into guys.


I think you knew what I meant, you'd be scared, you'd want to get out of there and you would be screaming.


Looking at my first answer, I can see it wasn't entirely clear. Fair enough. So - it wasn't the way Willie was written, it was simply the actor portrayal for me. Some actors just create characters that are unlikeable, and Capshaw did a bang up job of making a character I should have cared for but didn't - like pretty much any character Debra Winger or Lori Petty did.

Capshaw's Willie was more annoying and unlikeable IMO than she was written to be.

I *wanted* to see Indy end up with Marion, but if he dumped Willie off at an embassy, I would have been just fine with that.


Spielberg had less love to lavish on Doom and it shows. The effects are great, but not even perfect, just amazing for its time. I don't like Scott and Short Round. I do think that the story is too dark for its own good. The film shots are inferior. Raiders is the best movie of the 80s for me. Last Crusade is my 2nd favourite of the Indiana Jones Franchise.


I agree, it's the best. I don't get why so many people hate it.
