Oily Bohunk

Samantha's sister calls her husband to be that,what's that meant to mean?


"Bohunk" is a disparaging slur against people (or the descendants of people) who immigrated from Central Europe, especially Hungary. In addition to being an ethnic slur, it has class connotations. Basically, it means that the Bakers see the sister's fiancé and eventual husband as being from an immigrant-descended family that is lower-class and less cultured than the Bakers.


I never understood that, I knew that it wasn't nice but that's pretty nasty.


Sixteen Candles is full of offensive behavior and stereotypes. It's quite clear the movie is a product of its time and Hughes' white, privileged upbringing.

And I say all of that as a fan of the movie. Times and social norms change.


It's a comedy.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


What behavior is 'offensive'?


"White privileged upbringing"? You sound like a retard.


Not surprising.

To me the most offensive thing was Sam getting all pissy because the girl with a head brace sat next to her. OK, I get it. Being a sophomore in high school sucks, sometimes. She's insecure, awkward, at a high school with a dog-eat-dog social structure. BUT who is she to look down on this girl just because she has freaking orthodontic issues? She's not exactly a "winner", right? It's realistic, but that just crossed a line somehow. In retrospect anyway.


That offended you? I think this word is overused.


Lol, it was funny. Get thicker skin


Yes and I believe the term derives from "Bohemia" which was a region in Greater Moravia prior to World War 1. In the late 1800's many people from the region immigrated to the United States which spawned the 'racial' hatred that in turn spawned the term: Bohunk.



In The Defiant Ones (1958) with Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis, Curtis says that he's a bohunk and that Poitier's character can call him that. This was after Poitier took offense from being called the N-bomb by Curtis. Curtis character is named Jackson, so doesn't seem to be Eastern European. Well, it could be anglicised, I guess, as some immigrants did that to avoid discrimination. He was low class for sure.


Along these same lines, I never understood why Anthony Michael Hall's character was called Farmer Ted. What did farmer have to do with anything?


I honestly thought his name was most likely Edward Farmer - Ted. When being called out in classroom attendance, a lot of times the teacher calls last name first, so if he was called Farmer, Ted - the nickname might have stuck.


Bingo!! According to IMDB the characters name was Ted Farmer.
