MovieChat Forums > Starman (1984) Discussion > Best scene in the movie....

Best scene in the movie....

My favorite part is when Jeff Bridges's character brings the deer back to life. That part really got to me!




I liked it when the starman stated, "You are at your best when things at at their worst." Many, many great scenes.

Rest in peace, Roger Ebert. You were the best.



Yes, I miss Roger!


I liked it when the starman stated, "You are at your best when things at at their worst."

OMG I still think of the line often! It was not only perfectly written & perfectly delivered....but its so often TRUE!

Humans are so odd & often cruel, but often when a town gets a hurricane or if a baby on TV needs donations for medical treatment....humans flock to help!

I never understood, even as a human lol, why we can't just be kinder....all the time.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Haha when I saw this thread title I was immediately like "The deer scene!!" but I figured nobody else would think so. Great to see there are at least half a dozen people here who noticed that scene too.


Yeah, I have always found the scene with the dead deer incredibly moving. One of the best scenes from any movie.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


There's some really outstanding scenes in this movie, but the deer scene always stands out to me too.


The scene where the starman finds the hat in the glovebox, puts it on and pulls the same goofy face as Scott does in the home-movies. Jenny's reaction to that is pretty heartwrenching.

The way that Bridges is so alien in this filme while showing glimpses of the man he's brought back to life and Allen still maintains authentic curiosity, sadness and desparation. It's remarkable.

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority



The best scene for me was after Starman kisses Mark Sherman on the lips, Mark turns to large trooper, who shakes his head.


The scene after he gives her the baby when he is sitting by the opening of the train looking outside, he has this goofy face / smile like he just got laid for the first time. Lol oh he did!! And the yellow light go really fast!


I'd say the entire diner scene.

The moment in which Jenny describes love. That scene makes me tear up as well. It's both in her voice and behind those baby blues, just how much her heart is aching, and how difficult everything to that point is for her. A magnificent performance by Ms. Allen.

Then he heals the Deer, which is pure magic I think it's also the first time we really see Jenny smile. 

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?
