MovieChat Forums > Starman (1984) Discussion > Best scene in the movie....

Best scene in the movie....

My favorite part is when Jeff Bridges's character brings the deer back to life. That part really got to me!



I think the reason why the deer scene resonates with everyone is because of the juxtaposition of how Jenny reacted to it and how the hunters reacted to it. Jenny finally realized that she truly had nothing to fear from this man. And then the hunters came in and started beating the crap out of him. It was very hard to watch them beat up someone who had just shown how much value he puts on all life.

If there ever were a remake today, I think we'd see right after that scene that Jenny starts ordering vegan meals for him.



Her hugging him after he's told her about the baby.


Can't really choose just one....

- I mean you no harm Jenny Hayden

- Red light stop, green light go, yellow light go very fast

- Deer scene

- Starman carrying Jenny out of the fire

- You're not from around here, are you?

- Starman kissing Shermin

- The ending

RIP Ian Richardson (1934-2007)
