MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > The Terminator inconsistency...

The Terminator inconsistency...

When he crashed the police car into the wall there, he disappears when the police show up. He then goes to a motel and fixes himself up before going back to the police station.

Why did he do this? We see him multiple times take on the police and especially since Sarah was right there I find it odd that he chose to abandon mission at that time.

I don’t think it’s about repairs either as we see these machines fighting on until they just skeletons.


Don't blame the Terminator. He is just following the script presented to him by James Cameron


I know lol. I can’t imagine the script at this point saying Terminator runs away like a little bitch


Do you really need to write "lol"???


nah, I will just type it.


Lol@ millsey. Perhaps because of his hand damage he couldn't work a gun. But Ibthiught about that also.


Yeah, he just pulls a magic trick and poof, he’s gone.


Nothing in that movie really made much sense. But I tend to think that if movies like that were to be close to realistic, they would suck that way too. The realistic thing for Reese to have done in the nightclub would have been to shoot the terminator repeatedly in the face. In the Hope's of destroying it's vision, and expose it's metal skeleton face. It would be useless blind, and wouldn't at all be able to pass for a human.


This has bothered me since I was kid. Reese knew how the thing was made. He knew what was under the skin. Shooting the face was the only real chance he had, yet he didn't.

Also, shotgun pellets aren't going to propel a normal human backward. They certainly won't move a man as big as Arnold. And they certainly, certainly won't blow back a metal cyborg. This I did not know when I was a kid.


other well trained people dont even aim for the head, they aim for the body.. so this guys going to aim for an eye? but yes everything else you said is true


He was using a shotgun, so shooting to the face/head wouldn't be a problem.


"..other well trained people dont even aim for the head, they aim for the body.."

Use punctuation, capitalization and proper grammar, for crying out loud.

What other 'well-trained' people?

Do you realize this movie is fiction, and Kyle's supposed training happened in THE FUTURE, where your training thoughts might not apply?

Also, they're trained against MACHINES, not against HUMAN BEINGS, so whatever you know about training STILL wouldn't apply at all.

To add, even if you are 'trained', you can still make free decisions in the field, which is a living situation, where you have to think fast and apply your knowledge, it's not like you CAN'T aim for the head if you are trained to usually shoot for the body.

I hope you think next time before you type, because this time, that obviously didn't happen.


Bullets don't work realistically in movies, they ALWAYS cause someone's body to move massively, when in real life, they would just sink into the body without moving the actual body almost at all. They're tiny and fast, there's no way a big, massive body would move - the bullet will just penetrate and that's it.

Then again, what does work realistically in the movies? Guns are NOT loud in movies, but they can injure your hearing in real life, they're SUPER loud in actual life. Guns do not have a 'pheeooww'-sound in real life, but in movies, they do. Guns NEVER sound like they do in real life in movies whatsoever, and people can just shoot guns without suffering from much recoil or pain (try shooting a powerful rifle 10 times and tell me your shoulder doesn't hurt), or suffering from the extremely loud sound AT ALL in movies.

Also, silencers in movies are _EXTREMELY_ effective, but in real life, they're only slightly effective AT BEST, and in most movie situations, they wouldn't be effective almost at all.

These stupid movie conventions and tropes take this kind of unrealistic shortcuts to sell us a crappy, seen-before story so some moguloids with bags of cash can make money.

The hero always finds a parking spot, silencers always make almost the same, exact sound in every movie, helicopters and cars EXPLODE MASSIVELY from a shot, or from a collision, or somethings long BEFORE they even collide (I am looking at the kiddie-version of this movie that ruins the Predestination Paradox, where the helicopter explodes BEFORE it hits the van/truck/whatever).

Movies are stupid.. I wish someone would make ONE good movie, but I haven't seen such yet. I mean, sure, 'good as a movie', but not a movie that's GOOD per se, and doesn't have continuity errors, plot holes, or nonsensical bits or these kind of unrealistic tropes.

What this thread is about, though, is why a robot would pause its mission just because its vision is obstructed on one side, and its arm doesn't work..


Have you ever completed making a movie. There's a lot to do and it is pretty difficult overall. That's why there are errors.


All of that stuff is because thats what the consumers want .


Hey, that's a good point, actually - I never thought of that!

Well done!

Yeah, that would actually be what one would do in that situation.. but maybe Reese didn't think of it, or maybe he tried, but that shotgun is hard to aim, or maybe the Terminator was fast enough to turn, twist, avoid, deflect, protect its face or something, who knows. Shooting it at the STRONGEST point of the armor does seem quite stupid..


It was time for Wapner


id say he has some sort of lay low programming, although the disco scene and the assault on the police precent seems to contradict this.

Maybe he is programmed so if there is a good chance he can complete his mission he will take the risk and engage openly. News of an invincible man murdering police soon would have brought on the attention of the various US secret services and military, who did have weaponry that could have taken him out. T1 took place over what a week?


Probably the most plausible but if you watch that scene you will see that he is very close to her at that moment.

Sarah side of the car is facing his side of the police car. If he gets out there he has her dead to rights. Mission over and he can start his dream of owning a drapes business.

But instead he slinks away on the other side for whatever reason.


Maybe he somehow thought the cops would open fire on him to prevent him from killing Sarah. Though to be fair his hand was damaged as the other poster said. He had to tear a huge bunch of skin off his arm just to fix it. And there is the damage to his eye as well. Perhaps he just felt he couldn't function enough to kill her right then.


I think you're right in that it doesn't make sense. He seems to retreat because his arm is damaged, but he could have used his other arm since he wields dual weaponry.
Others contend that his sights were also damaged BUT he only notices that his outer human eye is damaged upon inspecting himself in the mirror...

I've also pointed out this other seeming inconsistentcy before: Kyle and Reese confining themselves inside a factory to escape the limping Exo-skeletal Terminator. They could have just kept running...unless the stop-motion was making it appear slower than it was..If not then having them confined inside a factory was entirely motivated by an effort to evoke horror movie tension without regard to logic.


The Terminator is constantly assessing. It must have assessed its' chance of success at the moment of the car crash and decided it had little to no chance at that moment of completing its' mission. When it chases them through the factory it was obvious they were both tired and possibly injured. As such, despite its' own 'injuries', it most likely assessed that its' chances of succeeding were good.


Two possible explanations:

1) He was damaged. His arm may have been inoperable at that point and required repairs, and his human eye was a mess and probably making it impossible for his robot eye to see, so he had to remove the human eyeball.

2) He still didn't know what kind of weaponry the police had at this point in time. Remember earlier in the day he had asked the gun shop owner if he had a plasma rifle. As far as he knew they had enough fire power to further damage him and make him unable to complete his mission.


He used both arms to fire his weaponry, and only noticed that his human eyeball was damaged upon looking in the mirror after performing make-shift surgery on his damaged arm.


Yes you're right. He didn't seem to know what kind of weapons were used in the 20th century given he asked the gun shop owner for a plasma rifle. He calculated that it was a better strategy to crash through the police station and catch them by surprise; cornering individual officers and causing a power black out to provide some cover.


Yeah, this is one of the things that bothers me, too, and always has.

There are SO many things wrong with this, it boggles my mind.

1) Why does a MACHINE, a computer, a CPU, an artificial intelligence, designed to operate in the three-dimensional world smoothly and flawlessly, make a stupid mistake like 'estimating its speed vs. the wall' wrong?

2) If it doesn't estimate the speed and wall's distance wrong, but crashes because it's 'distracted', that makes even less sense. Surely a computer like this can keep 'one eye' on the road/operating a vehicle, while doing other tasks simultaneously, even if it requires pre-emptive multitasking? Come on, an intelligent computer shouldn't ever get distracted! We've been told it doesn't feel pity, remorse or fear, but it somehow can be distracted or startled because the other car slows down at the last second so the machine has no time to react or slow down?

I mean, it can't have 'bad reflexes', it shouldn't be able to be fooled like that - a human driver could be cocky enough to think that as long as the other car keeps driving, I will also be OK. But a computer would have spotted the wall long before the human (look at how much better and faster Tesla cars break than human drivers! Heck, those autopilot cars have 'saved' many lives already!), and had made a sub-routine or some kind of plans to deal with it, REGARDLESS of what the other car is doing!

A dopey drunk driver might think, "duhhrrh, that other car is driving, so I won't break, either, ooh, now it is breaking, too late for mee, durrr"-CRASH!

But a CPU? A computer? WHAATT?! After seeing ALL the things it can flawlessly do in the three-dimensional reality, this part just doesn't compute!

Another part that really bugs me is when the terminator says 'I'll be back' and then comes back by car. It crashes through the doors and crushes the cop that doesn't have self-preserving instinct or any kind of intuition.

We're shown the cop's face LIGHT UP..

reply if a car with headlights on is approaching him.

However, when we see the car.. THE LIGHTS ARE OFF!!

Why show us 'lit up face' if you're going to show us a car with NO HEADLIGHTS ON?!

This would've been so cool if the headlights had been on, but that stupid mistake ruins this scene for me every time.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention part ..

03) A TERMINATOR has no problem eliminating 20 people in a disco, over 30 cops in a police station, and other people immediately, ruthlessly and without problems (though why it lets itself be stabbed by some punk is beyond me - a machine would be faster than the human, so it should be able to stop the punk long before it even thinks of stabbing it. From its viewpoint, humans move in extreme slow motion)

And yet it 'disappears'?

Not only is this the stupidest, laziest, MOST ANNOYING movie convention, where a 'monster disappears', but a darn Terminator that is never afraid of anything in this whole movie, just teleports away somehow (HOW DOES IT DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT?! HOOWWW??!), instead of just doing what it ALWAYS does in every other scenario; it should just rise from the car and start blasting everyone's brain into mush until every single entity in 100 meter radius is dead.

But no, it 'disappears', because it was wounded ever-so-slightly.

WHY doesn't it disappear the same way when a truck hits it? When a truck it sits in explodes? WHY?! DAMN inconsistency!!


Yeah, suddenly this Terminator has stage fright and magically dissappears.


Has anyone ever experienced a glitching computer? Too much over thinking in here, seriously.


We all agree with you and enjoy the movie. This is how we have fun debating on trivial stuff.
Main point is that at this moment, the Terminator suddenly acts out of character and sneaks away.


That's just a horror movie cliché, deal with it.

Then again, it IS really stupid and illogical, but there are similar inconsistencies throughout the movie. First the robot tries to negotiate with people, and only murders them after they assault it (though it should've had faster movements due to not having reflexes or lag, so no one should ever be able to stab it, even Bruce Lee wouldn't have been fast enough against someone that functions in the world of microseconds), but then it stops murdering people and just throws them around a bit (the phone booth scene), then it verbally confirms things first (gun shop, first Sarah murder we're shown), then it goes to full rampage mode without confirming if the victim is Sarah or not and so on and so forth - it decides to waste time by throwing Matt around instead of killing it with one punch, strangle or gunshot, and SO ON)..

This movie is FULL of inconsistencies and you only talk about one?


It is full of inconsistencies yes, but this is the one I chose to talk about here. Just have some fun with it.
