Dark Knight stole...

Dark Knight stole the whole Mexican restaurant scene especially the when he said that were tonight's entertainment


and the crap writing and directing.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9



I hesitated bumping this idiotic thread, but for the sake of clarity - the line in the film is actually:

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We are the entertainment for this afternoon."

Aside from that, there's the already mentioned stuff about the line not actually being in the script for The Dark Knight and the obvious presence of the quip in pop culture. It wasn't "stolen". Each line is borrowed from the same source (not exactly an obscure reference). There is an obvious distinction to be made there. But it is funny to see what lengths people will go to in order to hate on a film like TDK. Especially funny on this board, for this of all films, to see some doofus claiming that "Nolan is a hack". I love The Toxic Avenger, but...come on. You aren't allowed to be a haughty elitist if you're down with Troma. These are mutually exclusive conditions.

Also Burton's Batman sucks. The villains were horrible, especially Nicholson's Joker.


Type in Toxic Avenger Dark Knight.

The fanmade trailer was pretyty funny and the guy definitely deserves more than the 1k hits he currently has ay this time. In short, he made it like the guy in the taco resturant with the face-paint was "The Joker". The voice-overs worked quite well and I applaud the guy for taking the time.

"Freedom and morality do not go hand in hand. In fact, they are usually devoid of one another."
