So bad it's good?

Or just plain bad? Thoughts?


Pretty much the only thing I got out of the movie was a tooth ache because of the amount of cringing the jokes made me do.

One of the very few movies (along with birdemic) I've ejected in the middle of watching it.

And I've watched movies like Pterodactyl, Devil's sword and snakehead terror and bunch of other garbage.

What clichés? Thats a word the wannabe critics use when they want to whinge.


One of the very few movies I ejaculated to in the middle of watching it, when Lea was in her bra and panties seducing Howard.


I was 14 and it's the only movie I've ever walked out on, but when we left the theater I found $35. It was so bad it was good.


It aint BAD to start with,m for one's just WEIRD...and wonderfully so...too bad most people just didn't get's a MOVIE ABOUT A TALKING DUCK...what were they expecting...Hamlet?



'Karstens Creations- Original Art & Custom Dreams'


15 minutes was enough for me. It was so annoying! And I saw entire Manos and The Beast of Yucca Flats without MST3K riffs!


is that it failed, in almost every way, to live up to the standards of the original comic books upon which it was supposed to be based. It got about three things right (one of which was the title), but it was mostly wrong.

As a B-grade flick, it isn't *that* bad, but as an adaptation of a comic book which many people found tremendously funny, subversive and arch, it is a disaster. If they had made a movie about a cigar-chomping wombat and called it "Harry the Wombat," and left everything else as it was in the movie, it might have been OK, although a lot of folks would have seen that it was a rip-off. But that sort of thing is expected from the film industry, so NBD.

The bottom line is that, when making a movie based upon other source material, either stay true to the source, or state at the outset that the original source is merely a jumping-off point, a source of inspiration. This is what Disney did with the recent "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides." I've read Tim Powers' novel twice, and knew that there was no way to adapt it to the screen as Tim wrote it, or even to easily fold it into the Pirates universe, and Disney knew it, as well. They used some elements of the novel (and did it well, I thought), but stated right at the beginning that the novel was merely the inspiration for the movie, that the movie was not going to be an adaptation of the entire novel. The same thing should have been done with Howard the Duck.


I've always had a soft spot for this movie. I was 8 or 9 when it came out. My dad gave my brother and me some cash to go to the movies, get a bucket of popcorn and a soda, and get out of his hair for an afternoon. I remember thinking the movie was pretty dumb, but I had a great afternoon at the cinema. Every few years I watch it again, just for nostalgia's sake. It's still pretty dumb, but I enjoy it each and every time.

It's streaming right now on netflix, and if I see it for sale on DVD for super cheap, I'm definitely buying a copy.


I'm ashamed to admit I actually quite like this film. For me it was all the adult jokes they put in which would go straight over a child's head.


Hmm...I consider it a movie of which I shouldn't like...but...for some reason...I do. This movie isn't too bad, people undersold this movie to me. When I first saw it I gave it 10/10(I first saw it years ago), now I only give it 6. Its not fantastic but at the same time I'm not exactly hating anything about it.

Goth for LIFE!
