So bad it's good?

Or just plain bad? Thoughts?


I think it is the kind of movie you just sit back and laugh at how bad it is. Has some memorable lines too. Every time someone says Duck. I always say "And Proud of it.

Come visit my


So bad it's good.

Alien boobs!!


So good it's great. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with Howard the Duck. It's just one of those movies that acquired infamy solely on the basis of not making any money. It's a great adaptation of the source material with special effects that still look great today, a brilliant score by the amazing John Barry, and all-around serviceable acting (well, maybe not Tim Robbins, but he's supposed to be the wacky comic relief). In my head canon, Howard the Duck is part of the MCU. Everything about it fits with what the Marvel movies of today are doing.


Personally, I adore the film. It was a part of my childhood, and a favorite of mine growing up. Never knew it was hated so much till I came on here, and I was shocked. Granted its no masterpiece, but its fun, enjoyable, and delightfully campy.

"I am the one who knocks."


Not really. It is bad on multiple levels. Watch some cuts on YouTube featuring the great claymation effects in the climax. The eye laser scenes are interesting.





There's no doubt it's a hilariously entertaining watch - partly because it's godawful in its muddled tone. The combination of goofy kids comedy with adult sex jokes and horrific monster imagery is so misjudged and jarring that you can't help but laugh AT the film. At the same time, it has a strangely sweet central relationship and wonderful John Barry score. It plays well for kids despite some nightmarish villains, so many people have also have a nostalgic fondness for this strange abortion (which I just bought on blu-ray;).
