MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > So, how many of you like this movie?

So, how many of you like this movie?

Okay, we already know that this movie is a notorious flop, and for some reason hated by so many people. So please, don't bash the movie on this thread.

Now then, what I wanna know is how many of you out there like HTD? I am quite fond of it personally, probably because I saw it as a kid. It seems like many saw it at a young age too.

I think people are surprisingly harsh when it comes to this film. Sure, it's goofy, silly, and wierd. But that's part of the charm, it's a movie about an alien duck, for god's sake!

Anyone else who like it?


i agree. it's because george lucas name is attached and so people expected the greatest movie ever. no wonder they were disappointed. i love the film myself. saw it as a kid which was perfect. i've always held it in high esteem but only since the internet came along have i discovered how hated it was. which shocked me a bit, then i laughed about it.
people getting upset and offended by this kids movie? i mean seriously? it only shows how unstable peoples minds are that they have to bash a tongue in cheek talking duck movie just because it has the director of star wars producing it.
people can't think outside the box.
i love star wars but if you stop and really think about it, star wars, by todays expectations, isn't as great as everyone makes it out to be. it was the first movie of it's kind but if it came out today people would think it was a joke.
and if howard the duck came out in the seventies with no big name producer attached people probably would have loved it and it would be a considered a kids classic now.
bottom line- people suck! :)

"cops don't like me, so i don't like cops. nenenenene...."


I don't know that it's aimed at kids because there's a fair amount of adult 'duck' themed nudity in the beginning and interspecies sex as well.


Me too. Never quite understood all the fuss about Star Wars either :$

"A man drinks like that, and he doesn't eat, he is GOING TO DIE!"-Sheriff Bart
"When"-The Waco Kid



I enjoy it. Not familiar with the comics, though.

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I quite like it.


How could you NOT like this movie?



Hell, I loved it enough to create the biggest HTD site online, listed here on the IMDB...;)

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As many have already said, people expected so much and it bombed when it wasn't what they expected. Done today in CGI it might have been a hit. Though I think the duck suit was really well done. And the acting is good too (Robbins, Jones and Thompson). Take it for what it is - a comic book movie, and it is enjoyable.
