MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > So, how many of you like this movie?

So, how many of you like this movie?

Okay, we already know that this movie is a notorious flop, and for some reason hated by so many people. So please, don't bash the movie on this thread.

Now then, what I wanna know is how many of you out there like HTD? I am quite fond of it personally, probably because I saw it as a kid. It seems like many saw it at a young age too.

I think people are surprisingly harsh when it comes to this film. Sure, it's goofy, silly, and wierd. But that's part of the charm, it's a movie about an alien duck, for god's sake!

Anyone else who like it?


I honestly didn't know this movie was so universally hated until the internet. I saw this movie when I was a kid, and I remember liking it. I thought it was actually kinda scary because the special effects for the dark overlords was pretty good at the time. The design for them sure was really gross and scary looking. Plus, even though Jeffery Jones eventually became really creepy, he was really good in this movie, and he helped sell being the bad guy in this movie.

Watching it more recently, sure it's really corny at times, but I'd still much rather watch this over some of the *beep* they gets released today like Transformers. People today just can't get over that movies from the 70s and 80s were not as uptight and politically correct as they are today. Since this movie has a lot of sexual themes, it seems to shock and awe everyone now. Especially since there is a implied romance between Howard and Beverly.

I'm sorry, but the way this movie presents it, I don't look at it like bestiality like some of the idiots today. It's not like Howard is a wild life animal, he's an intelligent alien, and is no different than an implied romance between 2 alien races in star trek.


I watched this all the time as a kid and still like it.
I agree, some parts are a little corny and cheesy,
but I think it's one of those films that was ahead
of it's time.


I like was a favorite of mine when I was a child :).


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


I watched this film at the cinema back in the day and I loved it. Not seen it since so I'm not sure if it would stand up to the memory.


Although I didn't see this film in theatres, I caught the first HBO premiere. At age six or seven, I thought "Howard the Duck" was an awesome movie. It was as good as any cartoon shown on television, at the time. And that lobster thing scared the HELL out of me. In fact, most anyone in my age group that I can think of, also loved that film... at the time. When I watch it lately, admittedly it's not as great. But neither are many of the cartoons, with which, I grew up. In the same respect, I used to love "Shirt Tales", "Snorks", "Inspector Gadget", "Count Duckula", "Masters of the Universe", "Heathcliff", "Bannana Man", and so on. These days, however, most of those shows bore me senseless. My favorite childhood show was "M.A.S.K." and I'm a bit aprehensive to purchase any episodes or season sets, fearing that it might not hold up to treasured memories. "Ducktales" is still pretty captivating, though.

Anyway, what I'm attempting to convey is the idea that as a childrens' film, "Howard the Duck" is wonderful. From what I remember, though, it was marketed as something more adult, like a "Star Wars". Thus, it didn't rake in the similar box office cash. If children back then had been charged for every HBO viewing, however, it would have done exceptional. And for anyone who wonders why it didn't sell well to kids on VHS, remember two things. First, feature tapes were expensive, back then. I remember using birthday money two purchase "Turtles II" for like twenty bucks, which seemed like a lot to a youngster, and was in 91'. Second, you could just as easily get yourt parents to record the film off of HBO. It still costed like 5 bucks for a blank vhs tape, but that was cheaper than the alternative, and often times you could fit up to three movies on one tape.

"The key is, you've got to be crazy to maintain your sanity"


one of my favorite's actually i learned a long time to never listen to critic's usually if a movie wins best picture i hate it but if it 'flop's' like say this or the dukes of hazzard movie i love it


I did growing up as a kid but haven't watched it in years, I remember getting a kick out of Dr. Jenning turning into some Overlord character


I loved the movie. I Still watch the movie from Time to Time.


I'm seeing it right now for the first time since I was a kid watching it on VHS. I liked it then for a whole different I realizing I'm liking it now. Fun and foul (get it!) film for a kid, campy 80s comic book adaption for an adult. The ridiculous tone is just fascinating to watch handled in a pre-89Batman comic book movie world context.


Original, funny, corny, the songs are so 80s and Leah Thomson is sexy as hell. What's not to like seriously.


This movie is just pure fun -- total mind candy. How could anyone take it seriously enough to hate it? It would be a little like criticizing a Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner or Tom & Jerry cartoon as implausible. I saw it for sale in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart, and just had to have it. Once again, time had done its work; I liked it as a kid and saw it ad nauseam on HBO back then, and upon watching it again now I still find it terribly amusing, especially the frantic performance of a young Tim Robbins. Genius moviemaking? Not really. But it's still entertaining and funny.

The Falcon flies
