MovieChat Forums > Platoon (1987) Discussion > Which do you prefer: Platoon or Full Met...

Which do you prefer: Platoon or Full Metal Jacket?

I know that may be a silly question, and a difficult one to answer. It's like having to choose between Goodfellas and Casino.

But I've thought long and hard about this, and I'm gonna have to go with Full Metal Jacket. The battle scenes are just so much more intense and realistic, as far as a Vietnam era flick goes. But Platoon is also still really good. But I think Full Metal Jacket is the winner of that genre.


Platoon hands down


Full Metal Jacket. It's not even a competition. Platoon is quite cheesy, to be honest.


I very easily prefer Goodfellas to Casino.


Both suck equally


Platoon. It's a flawless war movie.
Full Metal Jacket is partially a remake, and partially a mediocre war movie.


Full Metal Jacket. It's shot better.


Four years later I still prefer Platoon because it feels like reading a fairly educated troop’s service diary, it’s episodic, disjointed rambling of a very scared young man in war.

FMJ was terrific though, the training scenes with R. Lee Ermie are deservedly iconic. I’ve never witnessed anyone weave together a more threatening web of vulgarity, physical threats and terror!

Gny. Sgt. Hartman made Army Sgt. Hulka look positively cuddly lol.
If you could survive Hartman you could likely survive the war!


I will go with Platoon. I mean, the drill sergeant scenes in FMJ are incredibly good but after you know what happens.... it's all downhill from there.

Platoon stays good throughout the whole movie.
