Funniest scene

The part I found the funniest was Barbara describing the firing squad. What did you find funny?

Money is society's way of telling you 'You could do better!'


The scene in the kitchen after Bette Midler escapes from the basement - she grabs the blender and tries to use it like a weapon - I love the way she turns the speed settings higher, making threatening faces ... this always makes me laugh out loud.

It's been years, but I remember the movie trailer for Ruthless People (the one that they showed in theaters) gave away all the main plot points and many of the big laughs.



The Haiti-Tahiti line. Yeah, Haiti in 1986 or 2014 sounds like a "great" place to escape to. Funny stuff.

...the highest compliment our culture grants artists nowadays is to be in an ad. - Tom Waits


One of my best scenes is early in the film when Sam Stone first gets the phone call from Ken about Barbara's kidnapping and the slow reaction on Sam's face is worth the price of admission. The way Sam makes a slow smile over his wife's abduction never stops making me laugh every time I watch it.


Barbara explaining and acting out the death sentences. Especially the firing squad LOL!


Definitely Bill Pullman taking the ransom money from Judge Reinhold, not realizing that the entire LAPD is watching him; and then not understanding how an unarmed Judge Reinhold shot a hole in his tire; and THEN not knowing where the mysterious megaphone voice is coming from, even after the voice identifies itself as LAPD. I saw this movie three times when it came out, and the audience (and I) laughed helplessly at this scene each time.


I just watched this for the first time in many years. The phone calls between Carol and the police chief are just hysterical.


The whole sex tape subplot.
