Funniest scene

The part I found the funniest was Barbara describing the firing squad. What did you find funny?

Money is society's way of telling you 'You could do better!'



my personal favorite is when devito is explaining business to the cop and he gets the wrong number phone call....

"debbie?......well debbie cant talk right now my ____ is in her mouth how about i have her call you back"

i use that EVERY single time i get a wrong number at home


"You know, this may be the stupidest person on the face of the earth...Maybe we should shoot him."



I can't believe noone mentioned this one: When Danny is asked to identify his wife's body and they show his face looking down and then he looks up and says "That's not her"...they show the body and it's a black guy....OMG that part has me laughing hysterically everytime.


OMG, there are so many to mention.

The oft-mentioned exchange between Judge Reinhold and Bill Pullman is utterly priceless.

Where Judge Reinhold accidentally puts the chloroform rag to his own face.

The whole thing where Bill Pullman thinks he's videotaped DeVito killing his wife, but has accidentally gotten the police chief with a hooker....And is so disgusted he turns away to vomit.


Everything mentioned is hilarious, I get such a kick out of the scene where Ken and Sandy are arguing about letting Barbara go and the police knock on the door. Ken's talking to the cop and Sandy's freaking out in the background "I gotta get OUT of here!" Ken says "she's late for work" lmao
Then Sandy trying to jump the fence hahaha

The picture on Bill Pullman's passport, when Sam visits Carol after she sees the tape and Bill Pullman's character is in the washroom with a blowdryer in his ear! Pullman is great in the movie


I love every scene in this movie but my favorite is when the detectives visit Judge Reinhold and show him the tire tracks. He goes into the bathroom because he has the "stomach flu" meanwhile he's trying to escape thru the window. Then they hear him making these sounds thru the bathroom door....hilarious!!

Every scene with Bill Pullman especially at the end with Bozo.

I think it's soap that Devito dabs into his eyes to make them red.


"My tux. My silk tux. Et tu, Adolf? Et tu?"

i always laugh at that because its like the little poodle made the big Doberman do it.


Another funny bit no one mentioned was Judge Reinhold disguising his voice on the phone when talking to Sam Stone until he gets totally exasperated and screams out "WHAT!!" -- starts using his regular voice and then realizes it and goes back to the disguised voice -- great!


Not the funniest scene but the funniest line, "The BIG room!"

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


"Give the Bag to Bozo...." Need I say more?


The scene where Bill Pullman tries to rob Judge Reinhold at the phone booths is one of the funniest scenes ANY movie. I have no idea how many times I've seen it and I laugh out loud each time.


I love the scene where Judge Reinhold says to Devito , now if you go to the police your wife will be killed, if you inform the news your wife will be killed, if you inform the papers, your wife will be killed, if you go to the radio your wife will be killed. Next scene "Did he hire a publicist"


The scene where Devito goes to identify his wife's body. The guy pulls the sheet back, the police officer looks over at Devito and he goes 'That's not her' and the camera pans down and it's a black guy. That really tickled me.


Earl: "My God, it went on forever, it must've lasted...two minutes...She'd be at the brink of death and then he'd start in on her again! And at the end, when she finally died, he looked so satisfied! I thought he was gona light up a cigarette afterwards!"

The police chief's face when he watches the tape. And the phone call between him and Carol later: "Where's your sense of compassion? It was just a lonely man looking for a little excitement!"


The Falcon flies


This movie is full of so many great scenes but no one has mentioned my favorite yet.

When you see the "snuff" video on the screen and then the close up of the face of the man responsible ... and then it zooms out and you see the ** chief of police ** with a look of horror on his face watching a video of himself having sex with the prostitute.

I love that bit! "It took forever, it must have lasted two minutes!" LOL LOL LOL

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'


Yeah, I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned the whole subplot with the blackmail tape and the police chief. Every scene involving that made me laugh harder than anything else in the movie.


agreed. I also still can't believe that I laughed as hard last week watching it as I did when I saw it in the theater.


The funniest scene for me is when the chief is watching g the video that was sent to him. The dialog is soooo funny.


I've got 3!

The part where Bette Midler tells them about the diamonds in the safe and Danny Devito says: "The B(*&% blabbed!"

Where his girlfriend shows up at the office:
"As sexually provocative as I like to think I am..."
"I'm not asking you to screw the dog, Carol." (His expression there was priceless)


"We could very well be looking at the stupidest person on the face of the Earth"
"Perhaps we should shoot him?"

Great movie!!!!

Chandler: He had sex with Mr. Garibaldi!
Monica: Who's Mr. Garibaldi?
Chandler: Does it matter?!


I forgot when they call to change the ransom amount......again....and Danny Devito says..."I dare you to kill her." Hangs up the phone-"Now that outta do it!"

Chandler: He had sex with Mr. Garibaldi!
Monica: Who's Mr. Garibaldi?
Chandler: Does it matter?!


God theres so many, probably the bit where Bill Pullman thinks the girl is being murdered in the car. hahha hilarious - but I love Bill pullman in this cos hes normally a straight sort of actor that dont mess about.

Judge reinhold is also great and funny.

love this film and Danny devito is classic hilarious as usual.
