Funniest scene

The part I found the funniest was Barbara describing the firing squad. What did you find funny?

Money is society's way of telling you 'You could do better!'


when bill pullman is trying to rob judge reinhold
'do i look that stupid?! ... *Yes!*'
'who said that!... *the police*. ..really? *, the national rifle association* -drops the bag-

"Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I did not die"


Bill Pullman's scenes.

"I'm a crazy rabbid squirrel!"
"But I want a cookie."


When the car drives off Santa Monica pier. Nobody wants to jump in to rescue Judge Reinhold, makes excuses (e.g. the undercurrent). But when the dollar bills float above the surface, the people jump in to "steal" the money. Then an angry Danny DeVito pushes a cop off the pier to salvage his cash.

"We share the same biology regardless of ideology"-Sting, 1985



My fav would have to be when Barbara calls Sam on the pay phone.
"you miserable scum sucking pig! oh honey i'm so sorry they made me say that.
so it's all there? you scum bag you low life mother******!
that part makes me laugh every time


the funniest scene is, well the runner up is the bill pullman and judge reinhold exchange "WHAT the HELL are you DOING?...I'm ROBBING you!".

the funniest scene is "Debbie cant come to the phone right now..."



the funniest scene is "Debbie cant come to the phone right now..."
I love wrong numbers.


If I had to narrow it down to only one scene, it'd be the part where Sam's mistress and her cretinous boyfriend are discussing their future after they've slugged Sam for blackmail money. Carol is gloating over their holiday destination. Earl grins dreamily and says, "Yeahhhh....Haiti...."
As if anyone in their right mind would ever want to go to that Hell-hole!! Exasperated with his obtuseness, she corrects him. "NOT Haiti! - Tahiti!"
Well, similar spelling, yes. But two utterly different socities, and in different Hemispheres, too! LOL

I also love the bit where Barbara bursts out of the sack her kidnappers have tied her up in, and her arms reach out and throttle Kessler. She was the hostage from Hell!!



My mom and I are movie afficianados. This was one of the first movies I remember my mom and I watching together when I was a young teen. It was too funny.
My mom's favorite scenes were "When my husband finds out about this, HE WILL EXPLODE!!" *Pow* goes Sam's champagne bottle!
Sam (Danny DeVito) is looking in the mirror trying to practice crying, "sniff, sniffle, snifflehehehehehehehe!" Giggling uncontrollably. My mom has done that sniffle-giggle many times over the past 19 years!

I loved the scene when the bedroom killer has the knife out and Barbara is whimpering, then turns on Ken. "You look like my father....I HATE my father!" He swings the knife at Ken who dodges it. Sandy (Helen Slater) screams (such a great scream), and the bedroom killer flies head first down the stairs. The mood immediately changes and among all the commotion and chatter Barbara exclaims, "What the HELL was that?!"
That line is executed so well and in such great timing!


I can't believe no one mentioned the mixed-up phone conversation between Carol and the Police Chief


Bette's response when she learns she has been marked down:

(Crying)"I've been kidnapped by K-Mart!"

Police: We're the police!
Bill Pullman:(Blankly) Really?
Policeman: This may be the dumbest man on the earth!

Hilarious stuff!


My favourite part was when Sam's lover who wants his money called the police-chief and it turns out he's the guy on the tape. That made me fall over laughing.
Alot of other scenes also did me laugh out loud.

