Funniest scene

The part I found the funniest was Barbara describing the firing squad. What did you find funny?

Money is society's way of telling you 'You could do better!'


" Crockett and Tubbs, they're floatin' ! "


HAHA that was funny.


"This has to be the stupidiest person on the face of the Earth, perhaps we should shoot him." LOL

Sum of the posters act like the Etainers R paying their bills. It ain't that crucial.


I definetly love the wrong number scene with Devito, but my favorite line is when Danny Devito is begging the cops for help. This is after he decides he does want to try to get his wife back. He pleads his case desperately to Benton(who is eating a sandwich), and at the end the cops turns to his partner and says, "Ya know...I think the Deli is using a new mustard."

Love it


I love the part where Sam puts the contact lenses and eyedrops in his eyes, and looks in the mirror as he tries to cry for the benefit of the police - and then in the middle of his fake crying he starts giggling! Classic Danny Devito!

Also the part where Sandy has let Barbara go, and she says to Ken "She's changed, she really likes us now!" and he replies "What did you do? Perform an exorcism?!?"


did they have contact lenses 20 years ago? i think he's just putting in eye drops


Hi ErthlyAngel777,

I've only just come back on here and seen your query - that is such a cute question! Of course there were contact lenses 20 years ago, they were actually invented in, believe it or not, the late 1800s (I just looked this up, I'm not a contact lens geek!). The type of soft lenses that are commonly used today came about in 1970s, my dad used to wear them.

Wow, this makes me feel old! But I guess I am in my 30s. :-(



Cool...Thanks...Glad to know...Have a wonderful day...and no, you're not old! As long as you live young (maturely-not like a crazed teenager, of course), then you're young no matter what your birth certificate says.

~*~Love is Pure, Love is Unconditional, Love is God because God is Love~*~


Yes they had contacts 20 years ago, but I'm positive he is dabbing an orange or grapefruit and then touching his eyes to make them red and watery so it looks like he's crying.


Isn't it a bar of soap?


did they have contact lenses 20 years ago? i think he's just putting in eye drops


I've seen this movie over 5 times. He's actually applying make-up INTO his eyes; perhaps it's rouge or something. He's using a little compact to do it.

It causes his eyes to get red and watery so the cops thinks he's been bawling away.

Danny Devito, Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold, everyone was so good in this movie!

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'


It wasn't contact lenses. I think it was a bar of soap. He touches the soap and then touches his eyeball so the burn of the soap will cause his eyes to water. Anyway, I love this movie!


The gas chamber...Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

The one I really liked is when she hits her kidnapper in the face and he holds the rag soaked in cloriform over his own face.


well ill say this, my dad dubbed this from a rental when i was like 8 or 9 and he wouldent let me watch it saying it was to much for me cause i was obvioulsy i watched it when he wasnt around and i was blown away. when he found out that i had watched he was mad for like 30 seconds and then he asked me
"what was my favorite part?
i said the parts with judge selling the speakers and when danny shot at the dog "it just went off" (six times)
but now i look at it and i think that over all its so hard to pick one scene over another but id say when bette says "when my husband hears about this he will EXPLODE" cut to champagne cork opening "bye bye barbara"


Carol (Anita Morris): "He'll (DeVito) be expecting his USUAL present (as she rolls her eyes)."

I miss Anita!!!


as a kid i was always histerical at the scene where Bette is behind the bed throwing stuff at the guy when he comes down to give her a tray of food. she nails him with a lamp or something, dumping food all over him.


Guy: "No dinner for ya then!"

Bette: "Aw. Gee Whiz!"


Have to add one more line here that I thought was great, especially coming out Judg Reinhold's mouth (after a particular vehement comment from Bette):
"You're very good. You should write children's books"

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you-do or do not there is no try.


I like the scene where the detectives visit Reinhold to confront him with the evidence of the tyre tracks. His facial expressions are amazing. "Right this way officers."
