Best Line Ever

I've been kidnapped by K Mart.



That and "off to haiti" and about 100 other lines.

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'


"Do I understand you correctly? I'm being MARKED DOWN?"


SAM: Yeah! How big do you think a shepherd gets?
CAROL: Sam, as sexually provocative as I like to think I am...
SAM: I'm not asking you to screw the dog, Carol. It's for me.

This is Dorsia?


Sandy: We can trust her, she's changed.
Ken: What did you do? Perform an exorcism?!


Sam: "That's not her."

When Sam is asked to "identify the body" and he's staring down at a black man.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


I have to go with "I've been kidnapped by K-Mart!"

Anyone who's ever worked for that hellhole should love that line.

"What's the matter? Can't you outrun a bloody moped?" - Princess Di


I work at Sears.


I family is in the clothing business ("rag trade") and we all LOVED every bit of this film, and that line was a killer!


"Check it out, my man! This is the Dominator X-10. Thirty inches of thigh-slapping, blood-pumping, nuclear brain damage!"

"That pasty-faced TROLL!"
"The judge?"

And Barbara's miming of cutting off Sam's testicles.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes



Personally I love Danny DeVito's lines like, "The bitch blabbed" and "I dare you to kill her!"

Quit that snifflin' or the boogeyman'll be gettin' ya.


Danny DeVito's character is speaking on the telephone:

"Well, Ralph, uh, Debbie can't talk right now, my dick's in her mouth."


Way too many hilarious lines and moments but for some reason or another, this always stuck out when Judge Reinhold (Ken) finally gave up on the whole charade (after his conscience got the better of him to abort selling a massive stereo system to a young lad soon to be a parent) and later on says to Sandy something like, "I'm no criminal. I can't even sell retail, and that's legal!"

The delivery was so spot on. Every character worked on the film and why to this day it's 10/10.

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I love this movie! There are so many great lines, but one that always stood out to me was when Earl's tire was shot out. It's his delivery of "that was a brand new tire". It sounds like he's on the verge of tears. Too funny!


This, in company with Some Like It Hot Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and The Bank Dick, may be the funnies movies ever.


You really can not appreciate this line in a vacuum. You have to watch the scenes and get to know Sam Stone's character beforehand, but when he learns his wife, Barbara, has been kidnapped and all he has to do is nothing at all to get rid of her, he pours a flute of champagne and says "Bye bye, Barbara," in such a sinister way. I always loved that line, and I laugh out loud every time I rewatch Ruthless People and hear him say it.
