why the low rating???

I don't get it. There is for once a comedy that is packed with one hilarious joke after the other, coupled with nice little observations that, once you get them, are funny as hell, and people give it not even a seven?!? Is this indicative of general tastelessness or is this specific to imdb?


I'd suggest that a large proportion of movie watchers these days are only interested in movies containing vast amounts of CGI graphics, the usual hollywood cliches and are dumbed down so much that your average rabbit can understand them. Good plots, good scripts, good acting, subleties and anything requiring any sort of thought is no longer popular.

OK, so what is the speed of dark?


Duh!-the reason for the low rating on this IMDb site (currently 6.8) is because at least a dozen people who reviewed the movie on this page left the rating box EMPTY (unstarred) when they posted their reviews. So even though all of the unrated (unstarred) reviews are highly positive they count for zero stars, bringing down the average. Come on, people--if you think this is a great movie, then please give it 8 or 9 stars when you post your review, don't leave it blank!


It's because of the elitist top 1000 voters who deem comedy not fitted for their fine taste *cough* *cough*

The silence is deafening!


Not to mention a plot that has all these moving pieces but fits together like a Swiss watch and is never confusing!

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'


The movie is so underrated


it is kind of unusual that whenever I look up any of these Gems it has such a low rating.



And less then 10,000 people have voted for it, which is a tiny fraction of all who have seen it. This film needs more of it's initial fan support on this site.

It received a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, which just shows that some people (some IMDB users) don't understand a funny movie when they see one).


The 90% is how many reviewers gave it a positive review, that doesn't mean the reviews were all 9/10. It says the average reviewer rating is 6.7/10, which is close to the imdb rating.


I saw this at the cinema when it first came out.. loved it, as did everyone else. Screw the rating! Blame the idiots on the internet.


I think it is a great classic comedy, but it is kind of dated; the music, interior set colors (pastels), Bill Pullman's jacket and hair. I grew up in the 80's so it is kind of nostalgic, but I am sure most people born after 1990 probably find it campy and dated.
