why the low rating???

I don't get it. There is for once a comedy that is packed with one hilarious joke after the other, coupled with nice little observations that, once you get them, are funny as hell, and people give it not even a seven?!? Is this indicative of general tastelessness or is this specific to imdb?


I think this movie suffers the fate of most riske movies that end up on TV. They cut it up so badly to make it less offensive and that leads to people who have only seen the lesser TV version rating it poorly.


I was born before 1990 but only just saw it for the first time yesterday so maybe that's why I didn't enjoy it that much. It wasn't "bad" and I laughed a few times but overall it just wasn't very good either. When it ended I was like "was that really worth my last hour and a half?" and I have to say no...this is one of those movies for me that I will probably forget a few months from now and not even remember what happened. I wish I liked it more because who doesn't want to enjoy a movie...but I just really couldn't.

the truth hurts...sorry but it's true


Since when is 6.8 a low rating?

Cane Dewey


"Since when is 6.8 a low rating?"


And it is way too high. That movie is funny at times, but totally out-dated: the colors, the music, the haircuts - it is all sooo 80's (but the BAD part of the 80's). And even back then, I don't think I would rate it higher than 6; it never was a REAL good movie - all the time you know what will happen next; Helen Slater's extremely poor performance etc.
It has some very funny jokes indeed, but after a while I really got bored...


This rating brought to you by the same people who gave "The Hangover" a 7.8.


Duh!-the reason for the low rating on this IMDb site (currently 6.8) is because at least a dozen people who reviewed the movie on this page left the rating box EMPTY (unstarred) when they posted their reviews. So even though all of the unrated (unstarred) reviews are highly positive they count for ZERO stars, bringing down the average. Come on, people--if you think this is a great movie, then please give it 8 or 9 stars when you post your review, don't leave it blank!


I don't get it too. Such a fun comedy. Maybe it is younger people for whom this kind of comedy seems old and ancient and not what they are used to? When I was a kid in the 90's I didn't like movies from the 60's either, although now I am able to enjoy them.
