MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > REBOOT UPDATE DISAPPOINTING!!!

REBOOT UPDATE DISAPPOINTING!!! -the-cwsbeauty-the-beast-series

I was hoping this ^ was a joke -I am unbelievably angry & disappointed with the description of the pilot! I admit my naivete in giving TPTB too much credit & I weep for the people who may watch this & associate it in any way with our beloved original B&B!


If that's for real (I suspect not - this bit in particular seems unlikely "Vincent now lives with friend TJ and …a Wii and an endless supply of beer") then it's worse than I imagined, and my expectations were pretty low...

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I sincerely hope you're right LeMarchand! But these days I'm not really surprised at what tv writers think the public will go for -There's still quite a while until the show is underway -I'm naively optimistic that the writers will see the posts written under some of the internet articles and make changes -I'm hoping they're 'testing the waters' before moving forward -I'm trying my best to keep an open mind, but I must admit when it comes to our beloved B&B, I have 'tunnel-vision'! :)


I'm sick to death of cop shows/stories. They should give this a different title.

I will give it a try, but if it turns into a cop show, more about the 'crime of the week' than the love story, I'll quit this and not look back. Just like 'Grimm.' Great premise, but there are way too many cop shows as it is. Most of my favorite shows deal with cops and CSIs, and I would like a change. Please! (Any PTB listening?)

PTB = Powers That Be



This sounds far worse than I could ever have imagined. It's a bad pastiche of other stories, with a tasteless 9-11 aspect thrown in for no apparant reason.

And no tunnels!!!


It sounds to me like they're trying to mesh the two catherine and diana characters. Diana was a detective and such. I also agree with everything that people have said here.


making the new catherine a cop makes sense as it puts her more into the action of crimes etc.

in the old series (which I love) there were a few far fetched scenarios that a lawyer (even a DA) would just not be placed in.

the one that easily comes to mind is when Catherine went undercover to bust a drug syndicate (that turned out to be supplied by Paracelsus), when a trained undercover cop would me much more likely to have been chosen for that particular job.

i will give the new series a try. i just wish they didn't call the characters by the same name as it seems to be the only connection to the old show from what i've gathered so far.


what the EFF?!?! TJ, a Wii, and beer??? What the hell? I hope this is a stupid leak lol

I was with it right up until that last part...even the super soldier thing I could have handled....kinda sounds like Beast from X-Men.

Seeing as they haven't even cast anyone yet, things could easily change if there is enough of a WTF vibe from potential viewers haha


I'm hoping like crazy that you're right digit_7766! They kept promoting it as a remake of the 87 show, but it's so far off it's ridiculous! -If they stick to this script I would hope they'd at least change the names from Catherine & Vincent to something else! B/c it's clearly not them!


People, come on, get a life.
Why are we upset and or disappointed?
We have our beloved 1987-1990 series, no one can ever take that one away from us.
Let them come up with whatever bad series they're developing right now. Even if it would have been a remake of our classic BatB, since it won't have Linda nor Ron in it, it would never have been 'our' Beauty and the Beast anyway.

Let the 1987 series be for what it is/was and cherish it. That's what I'm doing for the last 20 years.
To me the show was good as it was without any fanfic or anything.


so can i name my pet dog after your child?


Yeah, great adult response!


So you felt haulers by my suggestion of naming my pet dog after your first born?



Why this attitude?


hmm. ive never seen the original. mainly because i wasn't even born when it went off the air. lol. But I would love to check it out before this reboot was to happen :D if anyone knows where i can check out episodes for this show, can u please let me know :)


It sounds like angles that have already been tried:

1. Cop who still cannot come to terms with mother's death - Castle's Kate Beckett. A storyline that comes up every season.

2. Lead character/hero who lives with her younger sister - Bionic Woman (reboot). And will Vincent need to rescue younger sibling as well?


I'm mostly disappointed with their new version of the Vincent character :(


The more I hear about this, the more I think I won't bother with it.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


You know, call me crazy but the plot doesn't sound so bad but it would have been better if this was just another BATB project that has no link to our beloved BATB series, you know what I mean?


If CW wants a BATB tv action/drama series then DO IT!!!!! But leave my Vincent and Catherine alone! That is all I ask of them, leave my classic BATB alone.
