MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > REBOOT UPDATE DISAPPOINTING!!!

REBOOT UPDATE DISAPPOINTING!!! -the-cwsbeauty-the-beast-series

I was hoping this ^ was a joke -I am unbelievably angry & disappointed with the description of the pilot! I admit my naivete in giving TPTB too much credit & I weep for the people who may watch this & associate it in any way with our beloved original B&B!


Well I just did it. Since I live in The Netherlands I just downloaded the first couple of episodes and watched them and guess what? I like it a lot.
Thing is, just don't compare it to the 1987 version.
When I first read about this Vincent drinking beers etc I was like 'wtf?' but since this Vincent doesn't look like a beast all the time he gets away with it.

I know some 1987 fans would have prefered a sequal or a reboot that would have stayed true to the original show, but if you ask me, that wouldn't have worked.
People wouldn't watch a show about a community living below the city of NY with a beast who's reading poetry to Catherine on her balcony.
The 1987 version will probably always be my fave tv show ever, but I find this one pretty entertaining as well. Love how this Catherine is a mix of Catherine and Diana and hope there will be an Elliot type of guy down the line as well.


I know my opinion is heavily influenced by my love for the original -But even as a stand-alone show it didn't impress me much -I've seen other pilot shows that drew me in & kept my attention far better -I've seen the pilot & the second ep -The stories were uninteresting, predictable & choppy -The dialogue is awful & the 'beasting out' was very disappointing -Ron Kolsow also produced 'Moonlight' which I loved, but I'm just not feeling any chemistry between these two main characters -I know sometimes pilots aren't very good b/c a show might not have found its feet yet -I will try to watch a couple more eps -But it will have to improve a great deal -While I understand a sequel wouldn't have worked (not w/how the series ended as written) & that poetry might not be well received, I still feel the reboot could've been much better written, cast & executed


To be honost, the first 2 eps of the original BatB never really impressed me either.
Siege (the 3rd episode) was the first episode that really got me and from then on I was addicted! The pilot of the original was okay, nothing more and then we got Terrible Savior. Are there any BatB fans who really like that ep?


Yeah I actually like both, now that I've seen both. I like how in the CW version its sorta more like the CW's Nikita, with a little bit of a supernatural element mixed in.

The original version from the 1980s was so theatrical, in its own way, having been influenced by the original Broadway/West End versions of Phantom Of The Opera & Les Miserables which were running at the time, (that I'm surprised that it was the Disney version instead of the TV version that was turned into a musical), that probably the only show comparable to that now is ABC's (surprisingly well received) drama 'Once Upon A Time'.


Hey atomicseasoning,

I live in The Netherlands and have never seen Once Upon a Time, I believe it's not on television here, but I watched the S1 trailer and it looks promising. I'll download it and give it a try. Thanks for accidentally bringing this to my attention.


'Once Upon A Time' starts out a bit slow. I almost stopped watching it after a few episodes. I hung in there because I liked the actors, and I liked the flashback scenes from fairy tale land. It's worth sticking with it. I'm so glad I didn't give up on it. I hope the writers don't disappoint as the series continues. I wasted my time on 'Lost' and I don't want to do that ever again. (Hated how it ended up.)


Hi India_Ana, you really felt it started out slow? I loved it right from the first episode. This show is made with such love and it shows. I don't think I've ever loved a show this much since Beauty and the Beast. I'm already halfway season 1 and really have to bring myself to do other things besides watching this.


I watched if from week to week as it originally aired, so yes, it did seem to start out slow. Had I watched the eps back to back from the DVDs I might have felt differently.

That's like when I was watching Xena's season 4. Gabrielle's peacenik period seemed to drag on ... plus other episodes were repeated for a couple of weeks which didn't help. But watching those episodes back to back, I now like that time much better. It moves pretty quickly for me.
