MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (1987) Discussion > Lewis is resposinsible for Murphys death

Lewis is resposinsible for Murphys death

If they had waited 10 minutes for backup Murphy wouldn't have been killed. Going in without backup was Lewis' very dumb idea. Considering they saw on the highway that the gang outnumbered them and all had big shotguns and were psychos (the way they disposed of Bobby) any normal cop would have waited for backup. And Lewis being used to how tough the precint is, should have known better. Also, considering how many cops Boddicker had killed, you would think Lewis would have recognized him. And that she and other cops should be on the lookout for Boddicker and never face him and his gang alone.

Murphy killing Dougie and provoking Boddicker was probably a bad idea as well.

But ultimately Murphy would have survived if Lewis had bothered to think it through. And Murphy had protested, seeing who they're up against.

Also, considering how many cops Boddicker had killed, you would think Lewis would have recognized him.

When Murphy as Robocop later arrests Boddicker, the cops threatening to go on strik,e recognizes Boddicker even before Robocop reveals he's a cop killer. Boddicker had been busy that same week, mot likely being the one who killed 5 more cops. Why the sergent has to ask Robocopwhat the charge is, must be because he wants to go by the book.

I would have liked it if they had booked Boddicker and then killed him in his cell.

I also would have liked at least 10 more minutes with Murphy as a human in the movie.


With all the bullets flying around during that chase, I don't think Murphy & Lewis got a good enough look at Boddicker to identify him.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


No, they made a bad decision but it happens in almost every movie.
And yeah it was extremely bad decision... and also unrealistic.


What death?

Murphy didn't die, watch the movie all the way to the end - what is the last word said in this movie?


"Murphy killing Dougie and provoking Boddicker was probably a bad idea as well. "

"I would have liked it if they had booked Boddicker and then killed him in his cell.

I also would have liked at least 10 more minutes with Murphy as a human in the movie. "

What is this nonsense?


One detail appears to have been overlooked in this thread.

OCP already moved "high risk candidates" into Murphy's precinct, which would include Murphy himself.

So yeah, it's dumb that Lewis and Murphy were unwilling to wait just ten minutes (there's no rush, they're outside what appears to be Boddicker's HQ, and they can pursue again if he pulls back out).

But it's consistent with both their cowboy attitudes. Family man or now, Murphy was already incautious and Lewis just brought out the recklessness in him.

They were both in that precinct for that very reason.


"Lewis is resposinsible for Murphys death"

First of all, you need an apostrophe for possessive - it's " Murphy's ", not " Murphys ".

Second of all, Murphy DOES NOT DIE in this movie. What is the last word of dialogue said by someone clearly still alive in this movie? Think about it.

So your post makes no sense.
