MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (1987) Discussion > ED-209 demonstration makes no sense

ED-209 demonstration makes no sense

ED-209 itself, of course, makes no sense, but especially this demonstration..

What kind of sense does the 'demo' of that giant, clunky robot make?

Here are a few points that REALLY do not make sense about it:

01) Live ammo. It's a demonstration, why would they need to arm / load it with
LIVE AMMO?! Why? Anyone?

02) It's a DEMONSTRATION, why make it 'live' in any way anyway? Just make a well designed, perfectly edited, interesting showcase video of ED-209's features and abilities with inspiring background music and flashy visuals, like everyone else.

Heck, make a damn powerpoint presentation for all I care!

No need to drag this huge, heavy, clunky, slow, clumsy robot machine all the way to the top floors. Sigh.

03) It's slow, it's clunky, it's unable to handle stairs. Just RUN TOWARDS IT, not away from it. It isn't able to shoot between its own legs, for example. It's not capable of crushing you, being slow and clunky. It probably won't even understand where you disappeared to, all it knows it suddenly can't track you anymore.

Why run back and forth and to the side, when you should run TOWARDS it and be 100% safe SO EASILY? SO damn easily!

It is also slow in turning and such, so if you stay behind it at all times, you're all good.

04) No failsafe button in a simple controller, but very complex electronics that just HAPPEN to malfunction at a demonstration where you decide to use live ammo? So if anything goes wrong, luck will decide the outcome?


What are the chances of everything failing simultaneously like that?

Also, who decides a machine OR demonstration that way?

To add, why does Robocop get a 'presentation', but ED-209 was a stupid DEMONSTRATION? ("I expect a full presentation in twenty minutes" - see, they CAN do presentations, so there's absolutely NO NEED for this convoluted mess where anything can go wrong, and a lot did!)

The whole scene makes NO SENSE whatsoever!


Why doesn't ED-209 make any sense?

Any bit of equipment has a demo you think in real life people do not see a product and buy it blindly.

It wasn't suppose to have live ammo did you even watch the film (A movie star has just killed some people while filming because it had live ammo by mistake)

When it comes to hardware especially weapons etc a video is not going to cut it people like to try or see the hardware you think something which costs millions a video will be fine NOPE

Some car reveals are done like this take a look at the likes of F1.

I am not even going to get into the other points you are posting balderdash.



well you've had 40 years to think about it
the people in the movie didnt


Well said

