Sam Jackson's "Who the Fuhk is this A$$hole?!"



You ain't never met Martin Luther the Kang!


I haven't seen the film in a while but the part where Akeem was trying to appear poor and wants to exchange apartments with the super. Akeem says something like:

"But does it look poor?"
"Yeah, it's a real *beep*hole!"



the whole scene at the post office! (when Semmi is sending a telegraph asking for money)


Preacher- "I didn't come here to preach to you tonight....(grabs the mic)..but you know! When I look at these girls I know there's a god somewhere...a god somewhere!"



I love this movie from beginning to the end.

Just let cho souuuul glo baby...feeling oh so silky smooth. Just let it shine through-ah

In the barber shop: F-ck you, f-ck you, and f-ck you...who's next?

"That boy good"
"mmmm hmmm....good & terrible"


I can't believe this has gone on for 8 pages and nobody has mentioned:
"Is it just my imagination or does every woman in New York have a severe emotional problem?" Murphy's delivery on that was priceless, the entire movie is loaded with great one-liners.


'Hey it's Kunta Kinte!" ...and the laughs that follow.
The bit about Martin Luther King. The irony is hysterical. Followed by, "No he did not!"
"Ya'll know him as Joe the Policeman, from the 'whats goin down episode of That's my mama'
'Wearing clothes must be a new experience for you"
"Free from infection, to be used at your discretion"
"When you think of garbage..."
"They use sesame seed buns, our buns have no seeds" This distinction is so small and it's hilarious.
"I see the two of you are getting along!"


Not a single liner, but this part is just gold:

-He beat Joe Louis's ass.
-Thats right, he did whop Joe Louis's ass.
-Joe Louis was 75 years old!
-I dont know how old he was, but he got his ass whooped.
-Joe louis came out of retirement to fight Marciano. The man was 76 years old. Joe Louis always lied about his age, he lied about his age all the time. One time, Frank Sinatra comes here, and sat down in this chair, I said "Frank, you hang out with Joe Louis, just between me and you, how old is Joe Louis?" you know what he said?, he said "hey, Joe Louis is a 137 years old", A 137 years old.


LOL. That's probably my favorite bit from the movie.


You lie, you never met no Frank Sinatra.


Not a line really, but after Rev. Brown introduces Randy Watson and Watson says that he's been his reverend since he was a boy, Watson kisses Rev. Brown on the cheek. The Rev. looks at Randy Watson for a second, then walks away while wiping his cheek.


This movie is hillarious. My favorite lines are...

"Mcdonalds has the golden arches, McDowells has the golden arcs. McDonalds has the Big Mac, we have the Big Mic."

"The royal penis is clean"

The song to that "soul glo"


Not really a line more of a scene. When Darryl's mom, dad and grandma get up from the sofa leaving three soul-glo stains in the cushions!


"Rhinocerous sh*t!"


"you dumb *beep*!"

"What does dumb *beep* mean?"

"good morning my neighbors!"
"Hey *beep* you!"
"Yes! yes! *beep* you too!"

The scene where Akeem is singing

"Shut Up!"
Cursing in Spanish
"what do you think this is, Carnegie Hall?"
"Will you shut the *beep* up!"


How funny is this movie? I am literally watching this movie right now and still cracking up at every single post I read above. A CLASSIC!


Go on honey...TAKE A CHANCE!
