Sam Jackson's "Who the Fuhk is this A$$hole?!"



Semmi grabs the hold-up guy's gun: "Freeze you diseased rhinoceros pizzle!"


"Hey Stu! You're rent's due, motherfvcka!"


"The bathroom has a bit of an insect problem. But you boys from Africa are used to that."

I loved the Trading Places cameo too: "Randall, Randall!" "What is it, Mortimer? I'm still not talking to you." Don Ameche shows him the bag of money:"We're baaacckk!"


"You know our home weave products are really starting to take off."


That girl's father had some good ones...dude was funny and a great actor

"I don't know what to feel right now...I feel like break dancing!"


I'm almost single my husband is on death row.


My Son Works!!!!

I'm the Most Special.
See You Soon.


These aren't quite the best ones as I see everyone's hit the nail on the head... but just a couple worth a chuckle that may have been forgotten! :-)

Semi: "I was just remarking to my mother the other day, what lovely skin the queen has!"
The Queen: *Pause* "Semi... do you not have somewhere you should go?"

"And baby, when I tell you the boy's got his own money I mean THE BOY HAS GOT HIS OWN MONEY!" *thunder* - Cleo

"...Just let your Soul Glo, just let it shine through,
Just let your Soul Glo, baby, feelin' oh so silky smooth
And just let it shine throuuuugh-uhhh,
Just let your SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOoOOooOOUL Gloowww-ooOOoo (soul glo)..."

My favourite:

"I hope you don't mind me comin' over and sitting down. But I've been watching you all evening. And I wanna TEAR YOU APART."


I don't care who you are, this is America jack, if you say one more thing about Lisa I will put my foot up your royal ass" hahahahahahahahaha

Also "son if you want to keep working here, stay off he drugs"


When they're at the Black Awareness Rally and the plate gets passed.

"Donations fool! Donations!"
"I'm sorry I thought that was the trash!"

"Mr. McDowell, I was wondering if you happened to catch the professional football game on television last night?"
"No, I missed it."
"Oh it was very exhilarating. The Giants of New York played the Packers from Green Bay. They won the game by kicking an oblong shaped ball made of pigskin through a big yellow "H" It was a most thrilling victory." That may not be word for word but it's close.


So I've been a me-love-you-long-time lover/user (since 2000 but I didn't register until 2007)of IMDB and this is honestly my first post. I absolutely love this film and think that Landis's directing is tone-perfect, and the script is comedy pure-platinum, through and through in EVERY scene.

I don't think anyone has quoted one of my favorite lines (but feel fee to correct me if I'm wrong and missed it in a previous post)... that being Arsenio Hall (as the Reverend/M.C. at the Black Awareness Week rally) in which he gives the microphone to Lisa McDowell (played by the ever-sexy Shari Headley) and states: "Girl, you look so good someone oughtta put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit!" That line makes me laugh my ass off anytime I even think about this movie! Just brilliant... as is 3/4's of this script and ALL of the performances. Absolute hilarity.
