Mr. Miyagay social services

How much money was out of work bum Miyagay leeching off the hardworking US tax payer?

Seems he had a comfortable sized home.. how much was he mooching?

I mean he was out of work! Not contributing anything to society... and yet he is given money to do nothing and support a house?


Not to mention his car collection, paid for with dirty money.


Ok, just for shits and giggles.
Assuming he was getting $200 a week benefits, (don't know what US benefits are tbh) and he died in 2011 (according to Cobra Kai series), that's 26 years of money leeched. That's a total (not accounting for inflation etc..) of $270400. Which is $72800 less than John Kreese has leeched.


I'm sure that over the years Miyagi managed to swindle other young impressionable boys. That college money proved useful in funding his idle lifestyle of fishing and boozing.


Freddie should have warned Daniel about South Sea’s shady handyman.


What, like he warned him about making a move on Johnny's ex-girlfriend?
Freddy was a fair weather friend who dropped LaRusso like a bad smell after the beach and only came back on side when he started to do well at the tournament.
